
Because many of these events had Europeans present (especially Germans, who were already in a close diplomatic status with the Japanese). Nanjing had a large expatriate population, and a German diplomat actually used the consulate as a haven for Chinese civilians during the atrocities. There were also, despite the

Or a war criminal.

It’s all about perception. A lot of my co-workers used to complain about how Obama was restraining us from doing our jobs, and I kept saying, “Have you...actually looked at the deportation numbers, or are you just getting that from Breitbart?”

I would like to hear their thoughts on the matter, too: military law is a much more different beast than civilian law (which, itself, is a very different beast than immigration law).

That’s not what I’m saying. I’m speaking specifically in regards to the actions of the MP, not in regards to the actions of Pablo Villavicencio. While his presence in the United States as an illegal immigrant is in violation of immigration law, working as a pizza deliveryman to support a family, while keeping a clean

The two-handedness in these attacks is galling to me. We all know that Giuliani, and those like him, are consumers of pornography (and possibly more than that). By attacking it, they score points with the fundamentalists, while getting in some bonus points against feminists.

You know what the fucked up thing was? It wasn’t a gossip site. It was CBS. Which, I can guarantee, means the same thing was being displayed on other mainstream news sites.

If an MP makes a decision not to enforce a security policy that he is specifically directed to enforce, then yes: there are UCMJ consequences.

I was eating lunch yesterday, glanced up at one of the dozens of televisions in the dining area, and they were showing her being taken out on a gurney. I couldn’t believe it. I had to stare at the table for a full minute.

I should point out that, if in the course of their background investigation due to new base policing, if an ICE warrant was discovered, the MPs were obligated to hand this individual over: if they failed to do so, they would have faced legal consequences themselves for the decision. As military law enforcement agents,

You’re quite welcome! But, I must now debate with you!

...yeah, after the subtle set-ups in the first movie, pairing Finn and Rose is straight in from left-field.

He truly is, but he also highlights how a good Gary Stu is not a bad thing (the same with Rey: I both believe she is a Mary Sue, but a damned good Mary Sue). I mean, let’s face it: you know he’s a Gary Stu. I know he’s a Gary Stu.

That sounds like an individual ripe for gaslighting social experiments. Not that I’m making any suggestions, mind you....

Of course they can. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Go back and take a look at some of our favorite mythological heroes, and tell me none of those characters are Mary Sues.

You know, I sometimes wonder if under it all, part of the resentment of Rose is plain jealousy. I’m sure a lot of the attacks on the new generation of actors is partly to blame for this, as well.

Of course you can, and as a long-term (way, WAY back in the day) fan of the series, I completely agree. It’s space fantasy. Of course there are plot holes, and that’s okay! Not all myths have to be perfect, they just have to tell a good story about broad truths.

That’s the point, though: you can dislike her character but what in the hell are you going to accomplish by attacking the actress directly and personally? She didn’t write the goddamned character.

I would still argue it applies, because regardless of the importance of the character, the actors don’t have a goddamned thing to with any of it. Throwing your anger at them is like beating up a gas station attendant because the company he works spilled oil off the coast of Texas: he’s the most public face of

I think your assessment of proficiency would be correct.