
Just a quick heads up: this decision (and the trans ban) may violate pre-existing Supreme Court decisions regarding fundamental fairness. In essence, the President does have the constitutional right to repeal the transgender decision, as well as repeal DACA (those are within his authority to do)...but he does NOT have

Oh, go fuck yourself, Joel Osteen, you piece-of-shit, non-Christian fuck. I have Joes in my unit who have NOT been activated, are on leave, and using their leave time to go to Houston on their own time-and-dime to assist in the recovery efforts. On their OWN time-and-dime.

...’to state.’ ‘To state this,’ goddamnit, Kinja phone typing....

A church had to be shamed into opening it’s door for the needy. They had to be shamed to fulfill the least of the obligations of Christian tenets. The Osteens are the very model of the Pharisees: all glitz and bold affirmations of righteousness, but hollow cravenness when it counts. This is a man who looked at Christ

Speaking as a LEO, to day that this leaves me greatly concerned is an understatement.

No. A driver’s license only shows that you have the right to drive in the state of issuance. Really, all you need to do (which is what stuns me about these checkpoint arguments) is state you’re a U.S. citizen: that’s it. You don’t need any special papers or anything like that. Just state you’re a citizen. You can’t be

I feel like it’s backfiring in this case: in normal circumstances, these news dumps would be isolated events. Here, there’s a news dump every damned Friday, and all the items are shocking in one way or another. As a result, we expect these dumps like clockwork, and we have the weekend to absorb, digest, and dissect

That’s a naive sentiment: CBP traditionally closes the checkpoints in natural disasters, because the misdemeanor (yes, it’s a misdemeanor) of crossing the border illegally does not trump public safety. And that’s public safety in all circumstances: perhaps you would be surprised by the occasional traffic flushes at

The checkpoints exist along roadways about 100 miles out from the border, and act as a secondary-screen: anyone who crosses the border isn’t going to stay right in the border towns, but try to move deeper into the country (whether it’s smuggling drugs or smuggling people). Those checkpoints catch a large amount of the

It also funnels candidates into the kind of individuals who can afford to run for and keep office: it means most of our leaders are therefore very wealthy up front.

Ren Faire....

It’s a very slick trick: at the end of the day, what anyone wants is stability, and the mindset of Republican voters is geared far more towards stability than anything else. It’s a feature of conservative thinking.

A more comforting way to put it: a minority of Americans are morons. Half of Republicans would be...what, twenty percent of the population?

They’re sort of like cannibals.

There seems to be this big attempt by Texan leaders to make a movement into a sort of ‘neo-feudal’ arrangement of politics. Frankly, that seems to be the big push of conservatives in general: the politics they espouse isn’t so much ‘conservative’ as they are ‘neo-regressive,’ attempting to build a feudal style

And a sweaty man in gym shorts is the hero they need.

This is why taxes are important! If you want shit, people have to pay for it!

Dallas and San Antonio are alright. Houston is an oil town. Its proximity to Baytown means things get a little skuzzy at times. It’s supposed to be just money in Houston, but there’s enough refinery and processing work that makes the city kind of dirty.

It’s bizarre: I spent all day following and being pissed off about the stupid things that right-wing nutjobs were doing while running this country, and now I’m sitting here pissed off about the uneducated arrogance of a left-wing dipshit. Nutjobs to my right and dipshits to my left.

I care about getting GOP politicians out of their seats and putting Democrat politicians in them. And as there are 50 states in the Union, it’s logical to assume that the approach use in one state is probably not going to work in another state: and since this is an article about Texas, and you have actual Texas