
Hey, she does look good: she’s professional, attractive, does a good job of shoveling shit (love her or hate her, it is her job: can’t fault her for doing a good job). At the same time, I think her awareness of how much b******* she is speaking creeps through every now and then, and she ends up looking like an angry

The narcissism dripping through these quotes just barely overshadows the ignorance.

See, now I’m just confused across the board: I said you didn’t live in a rural area, you said that’s incorrect, but now you’re saying that THAT wasn’t correct? Or what? See, I would love for you to reply, because I’m frankly highly confused on what justification you are for making your high horse comments.

The justification has already started: I saw one person commenting how the last time they visited, the White House looked a little worn down, with issues in the carpeting and a ring on one of the tables.

I said this way before he was elected, and I’m being proven true: the President screws over everyone who gives him support. He sued banks that invested in him, screwed over people who work for him, defrauded people who buy from him. It’s a pattern, and it’s fact: it’s provable. He’s too leaky a boat to trust in, and

So, let me get this straight: you are claiming to live in a rural area, but feel compelled to call a 72-year-old woman living alone a ‘dick’ and ‘idiot,’ because she killed 17 copperhead snakes that were under her home. And you’re justification is rat control. What if she puts out rat traps? Is she a dick because

They’re doing damage, but they aren’t getting the things done that they WANT to get done. They’ve made a lot of promises about major legislative issues that they’ve claimed they were going to get done, and they haven’t. They haven’t, because Trump has involved himself in them, resulting in what comes out being

Remember, there legitimately are leaks coming from the White House: much of the information we’re getting is flowing from sources inside the staff. The problem is that the leaks are well beyond the ability of the Chief of Staff to control, despite his authority: the leaks tend to be engineered by the different

Ah...yes and no. Once flag officer position is reached, all promotions have to be approved by Congress, which requires a lot of politicking and self-promotion. Generals work in the background because they are good at LOOKING like they work in the background. They are generals because they are savvy political

I’d like to tell a story about the Marines: my OIC in BOLC was a Captain in the Rangers, and had done his Platoon Leader time in the Regiment. As such, he was often in a position, whether in an LP/OP or some FOB somewhere with satellite imagery, to watch multiple operations going on that he had no prior knowledge of.

I can’t help but feel that Kelly is a true believer to the Trump brand, but he also seem to recognize that SOMEONE has to step into the role. Trumpist though he may be, he is a Marine, and that really does say a lot.

It’s going to be an interesting month.

I already addressed his kids: Ivanka and her husband have agreed to work under him, but Ivanka’s tweets indicates she doesn’t understand what that means. And already, the current staff are sharpening knives to sidestep him (listen to Kellyanne Conway blundering around the issue of working under Kelly). Now, you are

Nonsensical is the name of the game, these days!

Their only real option is to put Pence in place, who would be a far better President for their agenda. Everything about it seems like a sweet set-up for the GOP, except for one thing: they would have to impeach a member of their own Party. It would look incredibly bad, and, combined with Trump’s sheer popularity with

He’s not a burger flipper at McDonald’s: he’s the President of the United States of America. There is no downplaying the sheer impact his incompetence can have across the government and on his Party. All you’re focused on is the healthcare bill, but you’re missing the point: if President Trump was elected as a

Really? Did you just gloss over the last several weeks?

Kelly does understand that (at that level, most general officers will). What he’s bringing is not a ‘everyone will follow me because I’m a general mentality,’ he’s bringing practical experience in how to organize lines of communication and command. That won’t stop the leaks, but I can’t help feeling like Kelly is

I’m not contradicting: being the gatekeeper to the President has a lot of influence and authority, and can certainly steer the agenda. What I am saying is that there is a gulf of difference between that, and being the ‘functional President.’

But they CAN’T pass bills: Trump is so far outside the realm of traditional Republican politics that the Party is clashing with itself as much as it is with the Democrats. That’s the thing about a candidate like Trump: if was elected on a Democratic ticket, he would be doing the exact same thing. He would be at the