Lie Hard 2: Lie Harder.
Lie Hard 2: Lie Harder.
Hey! Gimli was a sexy beast.
Agreed. I don’t understand these people that go hunting with ARs. If it’s about sport, how is that sport?
I have a hunch you live in the city.
1) It depends on the resources and abilities of the animal control in the area (assuming that the county actually has an animal control specialist on staff or in the department).
But some wield shotguns and rakes while wearing sundresses and Crocs.
You can’t kill a continent! Are you mad!? Save yourself!
They aren’t dangerous to a healthy adult human, which (as a rubric) does not include children, senior citizens, or people in poor health. And that’s a SINGLE copperhead bite. A group nesting together is a different story, to a 72-year-old woman living alone.
A SINGLE copperhead is rarely fatal, and that’s accounting for a bite to a healthy human adult. Bites to children and elderly citizens (such as a 72 year old woman) are a different story, and can have much more dramatic (and sometimes lethal) effects. Further, snakes (as do any animal) can become more aggressive when…
Don’t look into their eyes!!
Copperheads are exceedingly dangerous, and a nest of them under a residence is a situation that more than justifies their extermination. That’s all there is to that.
Ruth, you are the baddest bitch. Except for Mrs. Newby. Sorry, boss-lady, she’s an OG.
I don’t either. I mean, you have technically two aristocracies in this country: the political and the financial. The financial actually looks like a feudal arrangement, given it’s inherited wealth, and huge, undue influence on politics. The political one is more complicated, as while it’s a meritocracy, it’s much…
It’s not CONFIRMED, mind you, and there’s indications that he changed his mind after some pressure from Democratic Senators appealing to his sense of guilt. BUT, he has been in the Senate long enough that if someone knew how to sink the bill for the short-to-mid term, he would be that someone.
“I’m Tomi Meseeks, look at me!”
He is overpraised, but I have a hunch we’ll get an interesting voting record from him in the next few months due to this diagnosis. Remember, while he tends to vote conservatively, he also HATES Trump.
Probably. We have a tendency to do stuff like that.
Considering what happened to my guts each both times I’ve eaten at an Outback Steakhouse, I’m convinced there’s an evil conspiracy going on in that establishment.
At this point, they have to. They’ll try to bring it back up, but for now, they just can’t do it. It’s also distracting from other legislative tasks they wish to accomplish which (frankly) are more important, and some things I feel the conservatives may actually be good on (such as infrastructure packages). I don’t…