I’ll remember you all as I have the Benevolus Death Dome built for the pit fighting and a few people boiled for my amusements in the meantime.
I’ll remember you all as I have the Benevolus Death Dome built for the pit fighting and a few people boiled for my amusements in the meantime.
Toilet Paper and Hand Sanitizer Wipes.
One of my co-workers was at Costco yesterday and in front of him in line was a guy in his 80's with a cart filled to the brim with just ice cream and wine. He’s doing it right.
If you go back far enough, everyone is related to everyone. Which is why I am getting increasingly angry that my claim to be recognized as a member of the House of Hollenzorn has been rejected yet again.
So I looked at a few of the articles about this and although it’s not clear how they are related, my guess would be they’re both descendants of Samuel Hinckley who lived in Massachusetts in the 1600's. He had two wives and 13 children.
Also, ‘you’re being intolerant by not being tolerant of my intolerance’. I can’t eyeroll hard enough at the log-cabin assholes hard enough. If you’re willing to throw the rest of the community under the bus because of your purse, then you’re not welcome in the community.
I read his post on Instagram. The whole thing reads like he wants to run again as a gay republican - especially with his “complaints” about the “woke” media covering his office decor - his own staff were the people who confirmed the inspiration from the show (regardless as to whose orders it came from). His…
He seems to be couching his anti-gay views somewhere between “everybody else was doing it” and “it was a different time.”
remember how he almost got criminally charged for using political donations for massages and Katy Perry tickets?
If I recall correctly Steve Penny was arrested for evidence tampering. So what they are saying is someone accused of tampering with evidence in the case should not be held liable by the victims. Also they can fuck off with the tiered settlements based off how good a gymnast you are.
Shannon, just an FYI it’s Bela Karolyi, not Beta.
The disconnect for me is that even a high school drop out should realize an omnicompetent policymaker is a better choice than a billionaire buying an election. I got my degree late in life but that doesn’t mean younger me didn’t appreciate competent and learned leadership.
I think what I struggle with here is that...the information is out there. And from my point of view people are not taking the personal responsibility to access it seriously.
Thanks for this write-up. I turned on the special last weekend because I had an hour to kill, but didn’t expect much. I was pleasantly surprised at his storytelling ability, like you said. That opener about Louis CK was fantastic, and he handed the Ariana stuff considerately IMO.
Dr. David Schneider, during a panel on the “ills of socialized medicine,” claiming that “socialized medicine killed Princess Diana.” Schneider added, “Princess Diana would have lived had that accident happened in America.”
Lady MAGA, a drag queen and gay man named Ryan who told me that the LGBT movement is “dangerously pushing transgenderism on children.” adding, “I feel that the T has taken over the entire movement.”
Lol, imagine thinking Bukowski is literary pretention. I guess if you're used to reading cereal boxes for fun.
They both have to fight Nicolas Cage?
Everyone else can weigh in on the substance, but I’d just like to state that I hate his affected “Britishisms”. Dude, you were BORN IN KENTUCKY.