
I saute mine in butter with kosher salt and coarse ground black pepper.

Damn, you’re from Topeka and also drive a VW... What are the odds?

I’d love to find a Daytona with a decent engine.

The wife’s truck needs it.

I like the “el camino” version better....

8 minutes of hail is nothing. We once had a 45 minute hailstorm in Topeka.

Thankfully it was all pea gravel sized hail.

20 year old plastic tends to get a bit brittle...

I looked at the Transit PowerWagon... The reat seats were military aircraft grade. Uncomforable, metal and cloth and cheap as hell.

Don’t forget that in Topeka, stop signs are optional, at a 4 way stop everyone sits there trying to motion the other guy on, there are a number of intersections were one road has a yield and the other is unmarked, and there are a few intersections with absolutely no markings. (Though thankfully the one yield and

My mom’s side of the family was a Ford family. Grandpa had owned a late 60's, mid 70's and two early 80's LTD’s. My mom, followed the tradition with an early 70's Pinto, a mid 70's Mustang (4 cylinder), an inline 6, 1980 Fairmont (which I learned to drive in), and both a first gen and second gen Tempo. By the time

Forget the Quest, I miss my Previa!

For a few years (2006-2010) I lived in Plano, Texas. It amazed me the number of kids driving AMG’s, M-badged or S-badged cars to high school. In part, becuase most of them were not only cost more that MY car, but most of them cost more than my first house.

Note: my car at the time was a ‘97 Jetta GLS (middle tier, oh

Funny story... Back in the days when I lived in a small rural Texas town (pop. 685), we decided to install a fence in the back yard... I asked one of the guys in the city office for the number to call. To this day, I will swear that he said 800-DIG-TEST (and not DIG-TESS). Don’t dial that number. Or you’ll hear a

even at a young age, our middle daughter was prone to getting carsick. We had left Rome, GA, stopped in Oak Ridge, TN for work and were then heading to Eastern NC for Easter. While I was working in Oak Ridge the wife and kids grabbed lunch. When I was finished I joined them. After we ate, the middle girl had a

It once took me nearly six months to get a car registered and “completely legal”...

I don’t disagree... I’ve lived in Texas, currently live in Kansas, commuted between the two for a while and now work in Missouri. But it’s ok. I’m a Clemson fan. :-P

I ditched my radar detector 24 years ago. I’ve gotten 3 speeding tickets since, all were on expressways in city where a traditional radar detector goes nuts anyway from all the automated doors, and in one of those cases, I just missed an unmarked car a couple of cars back.

When I finally replaced my aging ‘97 Jetta GLS (300k miles) after 16 years of ownership, I ended up in Jan ‘13, with a ‘12 Passat SE w/ Tech, it was used, 9K miles, but pristine. My driveway is one car wide, but fans out to accomodate 2 cars in front of the double onsite storage space (AKA garage).

Or Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, etc...

I have to admit that I use to have, what had become over 16 years, a beater MKIII Jetta... It was narrow enough that I could usually pull in next to the BMW douche and still get out of my car... But I didn’t think it was funny, I just wanted to punish the BMW driver douche for being such a self-important ass.

in my (admittedly brief) experience with driving on Michigan roads (Metro Detroit), hitting the potholes at 55 is bad enough... I’d expect hitting them at 75 would boost the profits of many a dealership and alignment shop.