My first year in Boston, (I arrived Jan 5th) I didn’t see the ground until mid March. And the piles of snow in the corner of every parking lot lasted well into July. Then I moved to Kansas and had about the same winter experience.
My first year in Boston, (I arrived Jan 5th) I didn’t see the ground until mid March. And the piles of snow in the corner of every parking lot lasted well into July. Then I moved to Kansas and had about the same winter experience.
And where specifically was the traffic? I didn’t see much of anything in the pictures.
In my experience... (which is not in Colorado....) It’s more like this:
I had a friend tell the story of walking a dog in metro Dallas. (Carrollton or Farmer’s Branch, as I recall.)
I once pulled into Lamorghini of Dallas in a POS Dodge Caravan, (no not the Grand Caravan, the short wheel-base one, where a drunk driver had left dents all down the driver’s side in a hit and run over night). Despite my apparent lack of wealth, at the time I had enough debt ratio to afford a $150K car note (60…
That’s it exactly. And here’s the thing I find most illogical about Massholes and EZ-Pass...
Tell that to a Pinto buyer...
I don’t actually mind this type of asshat, at least he cleared the lane... It’s the f’en Masshole that tries to pull the same maneuver on the Mass Pike to get into the cash lane for a toll booth, blocking the EZ-Pass lanes that drove me nuts.
Please tell me someone checked for bodies....
No. Just recognize that it will be a while until you can play games with your kids (that you’ll enjoy). But I wouldn’t trade the “lean” gaming years for spending a few evenings a week playing COD Zombies with my eldest son and daughter #3 or Destiny with daughter #2.
When I was a volunteer firefighter, our department had an antique firetruck we used for parades. As far as I can recall, it was from the late 1920's or early 1930's.
Atari 2600 / Commodore C64 / NES - Childhood, SNES - Teen Years, TurboGraphic 16 / Sega Genesis / Sony PlayStation / PC - College / Navy , Wii / 2nd PC “Real world” (young kids), Xbox / Xbox 360 / Xbox One, PS3, PS4 “current job” (teen kids).
And that doesn’t cover the wife’s GBA / DS / DS3 Zelda addiction...
Ah, but we bought it used... How would you know?
All those people who’d live on a boat at the beach, if it wasn’t for their spouse/GF/BF/SO, job, kids, etc.
For some reason I see a full imperial crap ton of these in Kansas and Missouri.
What where the worse stategies?
“Which coworkers sell pot?”
I once split a pair of 4's, and ended up with most of my cash on the table...
But the dealer busted, so I came out way ahead.
Not necessarily my worst first day, but definitely my worst job. (And better jobs include a 6 year stint in the Navy and a month as a car salesman.)
VW electronics are notoriously finicky...
Yikes, I haven’t had that issue fortunately!