
Autism Women’s Network, too.

One thing that I think may be central to all of this though is the fact that he is a Democratic Socialist. Not like the cool, calling myself a socialist guy at your garden co-op, but one who looks at things through and with that philosophy. It’s not just a name, it’s a political belief system that centers on economic

Now playing

Saw this on Twitter: the dispatch call from police, with some narration.

You are 75 watts maybe?

Oh, the irony.

"I didn't know Pol Pot..."

11:50 am Look for Saturday Foodspin, click on Rip'n Chick'n link, biscuits link, fall into Foodspin black hole

I had a heat stroke once. Apparently, I was talking and wanting to compete, I guess kind of like a black out drunk. I'm wondering though, skin, temp, pupils, etc, if someone had been there with me who had known the signs of heat issues, maybe I wouldn't have gone all out for the full heat stroke. And so it would seem

They do that exactly! It is bizarre. And of course where do you end up when you google? Their website.

That is exactly it. You have to have someone to help. I have an email address I need to check to see if it's linked to my name or not. I may not be able to do that til tomorrow, but I will update either way. If you'd like me to, I will give you some kind of email address and I can look up things for you.

Celia has posted some links above about some different places for information. There is something to watch for, that I will describe as a difference between the various therapies, and training.

I just started reading that Autism Women's Network and their blog is outstanding!

The post is perfection.

Sounds like someone may be looking for a Kinja blog of their own. Pew!

It feels that way to me, too.

Did you see the opening of the Rachel Maddow show tonight and what she was saying about some of your (maybe) local media and a cop, and some bizarre racist things being said? I was in the middle of other things, and think I'll dvr the 12am EST rerun so I can catch it.

You are a good person, Steve. Thank you.

I am peeking in from work so can't read/check comments, but I saw this and thought holy cripes, what insanity. I've never seen these things here, but have seem some real nasty things on Gawker, that I avoid in my real life.