I don't remember the "yay, I'm a liberal" part of his campaign. That was Dennis Kucinich. When you ran candidate Obama's positions through the rating tools in terms of liberal, centrist, conservaDem, he ran pretty much down the middle.
I don't remember the "yay, I'm a liberal" part of his campaign. That was Dennis Kucinich. When you ran candidate Obama's positions through the rating tools in terms of liberal, centrist, conservaDem, he ran pretty much down the middle.
All children can have insurance, I believe, and in all states? [www.whitehouse.gov] I know in NYS, all children can be insured. Now, their parents, another sad story, but kids can be.
Right, like the fungus!
Thanks, I probably should not confess here, but have been watching Dr. Drew on HLN. He is really into it.
Thanks for approving me.
Not all doctors are agreeing that is what it is though. There are thoughts it could be something called PANDA [intramural.nimh.nih.gov] and there are doctors (neurologists) who are flying in this weekend to look into this further. There are other autoimmune disorders (with neurological components) that come about…
Jack Reacher doesn't need a watch.
@HitNail: I agree. But helicopter parents don't like to be shot down.
@emanze: I agree. But I wish he would have referenced Hitchcock's Strangers on a Train...