
The government should confiscate their rifles and compensate them with muskets.

As a gun owner, these people disgust me.

I got a hamburger thrown at me when I worked at McDonalds because it - and I quote - "doesn't look like the picture."

Can I just say that, although I've never worked in the food industry, I really like reading this column every week. I'm never rude to food people, and I always tip a minimum of 20% (or as close to as dollar bills will round), so I find these stories about people who really suck and are horrible interesting in a guilty

Yeah, we just fuck our customers.

A safety horror story. I had a friend who worked at a McDonald's when he was about 16-17. He often told the boss that the plastic, 5 gallon buckets used to empty the frying machines were dangerous and that they should be changed for steel ones. His boss usually told him they were rated for it and no way would he

I worked at a downtown Subway that was surrounded by bars. We saw crazy shit almost every weekend.

When I was 16 I was waitressing at a little diner and a beast of a man came in with his wife and his mother. He yelled and cussed at both of them from beginning to end, and you could tell by the women's demeanors that they were hostages to this man. Later in the meal he even force fed his mother, because she ordered

I agree :) I love that story. The customers weren't even regulars or anything, they'd never met her before. As far as I know, they've never come back in again either.

When I worked at a bookstore, we had a woman who would bring us a book and ask if we had any other copies so she could carefully inspect them and pick out the one she thought was "perfect" (She started ordering 10+ copies of the same title to do this exact thing and stick us with extra copies we couldn't return for a

This is one of those "If it happened in a movie you'd be offended at the insult to your sense of credibility" kind of situations. I was was prepping a post-church lunch shift one sunday at this nice-ish place I was waiting tables in, casually chatting with the two cooks, one of whom I was dating and the other our very

Oh. Ma. God.

I used to work at Burrito Boyz (Canadian burrito chain, located mainly in Toronto. Little Italy and Entertainment District peeps know what's up.)

We were open until 4 a.m on Fridays and Saturdays and often worked an 11 hour shift from 6 p.m-5 a.m, eliciting some of the greatest restaurant stories ever.

When I worked there my older brother was going through a divorce because his wife had cheated on him with like 5 guys. For some reason she came through the drive through. I took her order and walked to the grill. I knew the guy making her food had a crush on me so I told him to make that one extra special. To this day

My favorite serving story is from when I worked at a dead, horribly managed Vietnamese restaurant. I was the only server, as well as bartender and quasi-manager, as the owner went off to Vietnam for 2 months without hiring anyone to run the place. The rest of the staff consisted of the chef, a very old lady who didn't

I was working nights at a diner and we were having a particularly dead shift. I was pouring refills for the two guys who'd been talking and drinking nothing but coffee for two ours when something white flew past the window. It was a naked man running through the ditch in front of our restaurant, and being chased by

I worked at a diner that used to be really popular and well known. It was bought by some total douche canoe and he was cutting corners where ever he could, like using things well past expiration dates etc. So this lady comes in and I go to seat her at a table and she starts frothing at the mouth that she wants to sit

I have a story that isn't really mine, and isn't really funny (more uplifting) so I'm going to share it here instead of sending it in. A little while after I started working as a waitress at an Italian restaurant in a small town, my coworker told me a story. Our other coworker, let's call her Amy, was serving a table

I used to work in a coffee shop and we had this game called "Stale Coffee" that we only played on one customer in particular. There was this woman, a real bitch who would come in ranting and raving about fresh coffee and how she can tell when coffee is more than five minutes old and blah blah blah. She had also

I worked at a chain restaurant all through college and while most of the servers were college students like me, there were a few career servers in the mix. Janice was one of them. She was in her early 50s and took her job very seriously. She loved giving us all "tips" throughout the day - from how to properly clean

im sorry, but i kind of side with the old ladies on this one. I mean, maybe they were rude, but if they're that old they probably really don't need an extra infusion of germs with their meal. I've worked service jobs and no where is it written that every customer must be your ideal. You just deal with it, its part of