Don't worry. The map will say it's 12.
Only 4.94? She should have made sure the length was at least 8. Ideally, 9 or above ;)
Those look like some pretty hard runs.
I feel you Noah. I had to watch the news with my grandpa for the power ball too.
Not to be all generalizing here, but I find it odd that most of the men I've known are one extreme or the other. Either they want blackened shoe leather or still mooing. Several of my exes were the charred types. One was a vegetarian. Mr. Thirst is a carnivore—and I think part of the reason we have gotten along so…
Yes, it absolutely does. As a favor I got a coworker a hot chocolate with whipped cream at Starbucks as he requested, but the place was pretty far from the office so it was at least 20 minutes between when I got it and when I gave it to him. He was sooooo upset that the whipped cream had melted into the hot chocolate,…
For some reason a lot of these make me kind of sad. People who are so specific and demanding about certain things, especially food, tend to have other stuff going on that's maybe not quite normal too. I know it sounds insane, but as someone with an eating disorder I kind of get where the coleslaw guy was coming from…
i have a weird thing about condiments touching my hands, so this is also NOT OKAY for me.
I don't even care. My personal privacy is nothing compared to protecting a child. Most of my emails are related to career, family and a few kind of personal health related things. But I know I've got nothing criminal to hide, so it really doesn't bother me.
I feel like in general, if you become a parent so badly you resort to surrogacy, you should be best to be prepared to have a kid with a "catastrophic birth defect." It's hugely ableist to abort a kid purely because they have Down Syndrome.
I can't be the only one who thought, "That's Scott. He's a dick."
Girl, that last line is like my personal life mantra. Seriously. I really enjoy dating a woman for a lot of reasons, but one being she understands that girls fart, burp, poop and do all those normal human being type things.
I dated a guy who was surprised by my accidental fart during the honeymoon period where you pretend your lips always look that shade of pink and your skin is always poreless upon waking. He was so flummoxed I legit asked him if he thought angels carried my gasses away in little silk bags scented with the dew of a…
I'm sorry you had to go to those lengths to get away from Mr. PoopyFartDick. I had a friend that had to leave her job/the state because her husband was trying to kill her. She didn't tell anyone where she went, shut down her FB and everything. I bet she changed her name as well.
My fiance and I had been engaged about 5 months by this time. He was moving in with me, but we got into a huge fight. One evening I accidentally burped. He insisted I was never allowed to fart or burp in his presence. Ha! I'm not one to get into farting contests or burp my ABCs, but occasionally one would slip if I…
Q: Why did the skinheads accept him?
My friend and his girlfriend were at the bar where I work and his girlfriend had just made an appointment to get a new tattoo. My pal decided he wanted a tattoo, so his girlfriend and I were drawing up really awful but funny ideas. My friend was like, "I'm just going to get a velociraptor wearing a monocle drinking a…
And flame face. Flame face took me to a nice restaurant to show off his nice expense account. He was a blind date set up by my mother, who is also responsible for Fat Elvis and Ramen Noodle Truck Stop Man. Anyway, he had a lot of product in his hair. A lot. And he somehow managed to catch his paper menu on fire via a…