
After the way he canned half of them”
Wasn’t it closer to 70%?

As Elon is not female, he’s never had to learn the difference between having a cunt & being one

We’re no more than a few decades away from the Butlerian Jihad

they would have to be really dumb”

the company’s valuation at $19 billion”

Rowling’s own repeated volition”
??? did you mean “vitriol”?

Unfortunately there are many who would

His pretense is that he no longer owns any homes.

Enron Musk & DJ Trumplethinskin have worked very hard to make all news about them read like it’s from The Onion

Musk also claims he is not paid a salary and only receives stock options and I feel like he may use that to his advantage”

Zuckerberg appears to occasionally listen to others & to spend much less time smelling his own farts

Musk claims the subscription tiers are an attempt to combat bots and spam on the app”

Idiot companies like Apple are lending credence to Elon Musk’s complaints about free speech being stifled. Shame on them.

Which makes me wonder why anyone would work for Trump as he’s been a notorious deadbeat for nearly as long as he’s been in the public eye

I do hope the folliculitis from his transplanted pubic hair is treatable with topical medication. I’m sure he can find someone willing to, erm, massage it deeply; possibly rewarded with a pony 

I’ve been suggesting all year that it be called Xitter

I can’t claim to be the first but I have been saying similar things for years including that settlements should partly be paid from cop insurance & pension funds.

Not Elon’s fault. The Woke Mind Virus infection required that our resident galactic-level genius step away from his hardcore engineering of blastoff physics 1st principles in order to save Free Speech for the good of all humanity

The Cybertruck was unveiled a year before any mention of the 4680 cell

why else do you think the Model X has those crazy falcon wing doors?”