“using a rotating sleep pod or something for artificial gravity”
“using a rotating sleep pod or something for artificial gravity”
Pleading her belly like an old-timey convict?
Our Exalted Imperator & TechnoKing wants Twitter to also become WeChat.
There’s no end to the innovative ideas of unadulterated genius flowing from his bigly brain directly to his mouth
He cancelled a customer reservation because the prospective buyer complained he’s always late to start events.
Sure, Elon has valid reasons to be late on occasion but being so thinskinned is appalling for an executive.
Imagine *that* guy be in control of the air supply on Utopia Planitia
“Make it less boring, more like TikTok”
That I’ve lived to see such genius!
Thank you, Elon!
Would either of them consider that punishment?
In other words, our South African genius overlord went back to indentured labor first principles
Job security? There’s no guarantee you’ll be PAID regularly
Some months after that was reported there was an ardent young man on Twitter who was claiming he was a liberal until he saw that & became a Trump supporter because it was an obvious hatchet job on Donald of Orange.
What’s the 0-60 mph without rollout deduction?
Is it under 1.99s?
To be fair he also wants Earth to supply human capitol stock for his Mars Colony.
All hail Imperator Elon, 1st of his name!
“He wants to micromanage them”
You’re off by several orders of magnitude, to paraphrase one of Elon’s favorite lines. He’s described *himself* as a “nano-manager”
Some of the best people I know, I met through employment & several became friends
Useful practice in preparation for Mars Colony
“We were only following orders”
a lot of those high-minded & compliant capitalists made out like bandits through price-gouging. i guess they also had no alternative, right?
all links to the documentary appear to have been removed, including from the Wayback Machine.
Why is that subject to India’s “rules”?
It seems the imperialist mindset is alive & well in New Delhi
It’s very tame compared to Billo Reilly losing his shit long before he lost his hair
“The letter is *singed* by an attorney”
“quit joining social media and blinding agreeing to every term and condition EULA that pops up”
He’s more of a brat than any of his many kids