
No, Millenials are people who came of age around the turn of the century,

Gen Y and Millenials are the same thing. You are definitely too young for Gen X so you’re a Millenial. Congrats.

The guy knocked basically all the police dogs teeth out.

Any Events in CT? I’d love to bring my 68 Cougar and check out yours close up.

It certainly helped Raul Esparza out. Made him a star. Sorry he just left Law & Order SVU. He was great on it.

I’m pretty sure it ended when Ozzy Osbourne pissed on it.

I’d take him over Kurt Rambis. Unless Kurt was wearing the goggles.

He’ll always be a second rate Matt Saracen to me.

I bet one of the guys in Archers of Loaf thought it up.

What does our Government have to do with the Czech Republic, where this game was made?


They would just use VPN’s to get around it.

Can’t be matched by any other game, other than the 50 other BR games out there that end the exact same way.

Not Break-up album but Break up song. You can’t beat “Ring” from Yum-Yum. Can’t believe that album is 20 years old now.

Sounds like you’re talking about 1991-1994. Jncos were later than that.

I find most cops don’t care about front plates on classic cars.

And the ironic thing is Billy wrote that song for Hole.

I wouldn’t call it a commonly used terms. There’s only a few thousand people in the world who identify as binary. Honestly, I didn’t even know what it was until I saw the character on Billions.

I didn’t realize it came in any other form other than frozen concentrate.

Much of the western world thought tomatoes were poisonous (due to being in the nightshade family) up until the early 1800's. Things change.