
Window sitter here. Standing up not an option if I wanted to. I get up when my seat mates are pushing their way out. I move over, and try to get my overhead out before getting into th aisle. I then wait for a break before getting into the aisle walking out (don’t want to cut off those who already have their head

Do you know what I do when the plane lands? Nothing. I sit there and relax while all the busy bees trip over themselves and get angry and work their blood pressure up trying to get two minutes ahead of each other, and when they’ve finished I leisurely stand up, grab my things, and saunter casually off. It is not

In Blevins’ mind, Khattri should have been given a suspension of six months to a year by Epic because his career ostensibly depends on Fortnite.

Famous people shouldn’t get lesser punishments than the rest of us. Nobody wants to play against an aim-botter, whether it’s a pro on a smurf account or not. Frankly, even if he’s telling people not to do this, he’s still sending the message that it’s okay to do it. 

a) he cheated so he should get banned

This is no different than anyone else being fired from their job for doing something stupid or against company policy.  If streamers and Youtubers want to be taken seriously as professionals, they need to actually act professional.  This guy wants to have his cake and eat it, too.

1. Yes, yes he does, very prolific commentator

Meanwhile, part of me is still sighing, “And of course this still happens before a Mac version.”

If Epic bans a streamer for speaking out on Hong Kong, then I’ll be upset; so far they haven’t.  It’s not about how deep you are in their pockets, it’s about whether you let fear of losing Chinese money push you around.

With all the issues Bethesda has had with recent releases feeling unfinished, I’m glad they’re doing this. It means they might actually be learning from their mistakes.

Half -blink- Life -blink- 3 -blink- confirmed.

Well, $5 a month is $60 a year. The same subscription fee sports games fans pay. So I don’t know. If there’s stuff added maybe it would be worth it.

Oh the paywall is absolutely real. And we already know Mario Kart games have rubberband AI...this just ups that.

Sadly, when Nintendo did that they made something like $3.5 million on Mario Run. When they ran a Gatcha Game with Dragalia Lost and Fire Emblem Heros they made something like $70 million each... so ya expect all future games to be gatchaed to hell and back.

I wouldn’t even pay a subscription fee for a fully-fledged console Mario kart, let alone a mini mobile phone game.

I’m just curious as to WHY people were picking Zane over the other three in the first place. I don’t contest that he’s the weakest in end-game.

And the guy who created GIFs wanted them to be pronounced JIFs.

MGSV said it at the start of every mission.  So around 50 times.

I can’t believe they’d blow off a company that works with Devolver Digital don’t they know what Nina FUCKING Struthers will do to them!?

But in all seriousness, shitty bosses are everywhere, big companies, little companies, mom and pop stores, literally everywhere. That’s why employees need unions.

Oh poor Barret, the direction of your voice work fucking sucks. Everything else looks pretty great.