
I’m no saint by any realistic standard, but I am a married man and the idea of cheating just baffles me. I literally can’t think of a situation that would drive me to cheat. It could be the hottest girl on the planet and I could have a time machine to go back to before the deed was done so no one but myself would ever

“I’m taking time off to work on personal problems” would have been sufficient.

It’s the problem with a firm belief in what MUST be a meta. I love DOTA, I’ve played it since the days of WC3 and allstars, and people become rabid if you don’t follow what they think SHOULD be. The irony is that they praise and lose their minds over pros who break be meta and are successful in doing so.

Except they don’t. One of my makor turn offs from this game is that all the characters feel identical.

It’s totally what I thought.

Aww, I thought this was going to be a lot more interesting. Like a guy actually did all the work to create branding, hired actors, staged a storefront for a day, etc. just to establish credibility. And then actually pulled it off, until some developer happened to catch them in a lie or was local to the area and knew

This I can agree with.

Bungie seems to be taking the “it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission” route with this game. Seems like every week we catch them in another scandal.

It baffles me that vanilla D1 had Heroic Strikes on day one. Then after years of community feedback, Bungie improved Strikes over time with exclusive loot, scoring and buffs. Three years later the sequel arrives with no Heroic Strikes; only to have them come back behind a DLC paywall- without any of the previous

Again, I appreciate the nuance here. I referenced transphobia (and homophobia) in my initial post solely because I was drawing parallels between the type of thinking that informs and supports that kind of hatred—I wasn’t trying to equivocate them in terms of impact, historical significance, or even the idea of a

And that’s an understandable position to take—but it’s one that relies upon the assumption that all Furries must perforce be into Furry sex (or some other kind of kink that’s directly related to wearing the Fursuits or adopting a “Fusona.”)

Again, my experience with the community is limited to a couple of friends and

From what I understand, the outrage over the loot boxes (and shaders specifically) is more about the fact that they were free in the first game. Granted, they applied to the entire armor and not specific pieces, but they were free. So gamers are angry that they took something free from the first game and started


There’s a massive difference between “worth a damn” and OP. Watch the videos - this thing could easily be nerfed and still be worth a damn.

Destiny needs power fantasy weapons because everything is so normalized. Yes this thing is a bear in PVP i’ve been melted many times in the last 24 hrs but I don’t want to see it die. I guess I don’t really know what I’m saying lol

Only if its good.

A lot of people don’t realize that it’s OK and even healthy to not play one game obsessively every day for the rest of your life.

What’s crazy about this whole thing is that I’ve held off of Destiny 2 specifically because of how this all played out in Destiny 1 and for once have actually felt pretty justified by the outcome. I vowed not to pay for a game during its growing pains (got House of Wolves only to have to buy everything again when TTK

I’m the same way. so many people left Bungie after Reach that I just didn’t care what they did next.

I was fine leaving Bungie behind after Halo: Reach. Destiny never interested me.