The cheap covers “industry” got propped back up when every streaming service started pumping out a dozen new original shows every season which all desperately crave the attention of nostalgic millennials.
The cheap covers “industry” got propped back up when every streaming service started pumping out a dozen new original shows every season which all desperately crave the attention of nostalgic millennials.
But gaming sites are specifically in the business of informing people about games so they don’t need to research the info themselves. This is why they normally use methods like in-text links, in-text pictures, videos, related stories widgets, and tags to feed you everything they’ve got on a topic to keep you engaged…
We’re living in an era where Nintendo hires Wayforward (normally a purveyor of excellent pixel art) to do totally bland, mediocre 3D graphics for Advanced Wars, and SquareEnix somehow gets original pixel artist Kazuko Shibuya to add pillow shading and washed-out no-contrast “this is what it really looked like on CRT”…
Check out the fan game Super Mario Flashback, it does what nintendon’t:
The PSP version of IV definitely has the best visuals IMO. Unfortunately, the gameplay feels like a cakewalk next to the 3D version on DS, Steam, mobile, etc.
Seriously. The only one of those games which comes close to rivaling FFT for me is Advance Wars, which at this point is just a poor man’s War Groove.
A lot of people are saying this, and it’s funny, but some of them seem to unironically be suggesting that there are only two possible conceivable creative directions for the Final Fantasy heroes: Meg Ryan crossplayers with tons of zippers, or normie dudebros.
I felt the same way. To be fair, BL3 did make a lot of QOL and mechanical improvements on paper, but it just wasn’t enough. There’s just too many lingering issues and weaknesses which were passable in 2009 and 2012, but not in 2019 or 2021.
I mean, the obvious female option if they’re adding GT characters now is Pan.
Yeah even as a boring white American, “x marks the spot” doesn’t actually seem intrinsically intuitive at all. I don’t think anyone has actually said that phrase out loud since ~1920.
The worst part about Nintendo’s uneven post-Gen 4 output is the attitude among Nintendo fans that everyone needs to be on board with whatever new gimmick Nintendo throws out, or you must be a terrible person that hates fun.
You’re painting with an egregiously broad brush in saying that anyone that considers themselves somewhere in the middle MUST be guilty of believing a false balance fallacy.
And if they do it FOR Epic, they’ll have to do it for everyone.
If I wanted an Epic game, I went to Epic’s website and bought it. If I wanted to buy a game from id Software, I’d go to their website and buy it.
Technically most products that show “rainbow” lighting schemes don’t actually use multiple colors at once; they are just trying to communicate in one product photo that you can choose any single color for the lighting. Typically you can make it all white or flat out turn them off if desired.
Yeah, I think by now game listicles based on what was “important” or “influential” have lost all relevance, except as a history lesson for zoomers who didn’t grow up with these games. The rest of us don’t really need to have another circle jerk about the games we all played when we were 10.
Speaking of friction, the fact that the SN30's phone clip is actually a separate object is a significant deal breaker for me. So now if I’m going to play games on the go, I have to have pockets for my phone, the controller, a separate clip...and then assemble them on the spot like a hollywood sniper?
Now I’m having fun imagining what he said when people bitched about the wait for more FF games after OG FFVII.
The fatal flaw in all of LOM’s “depth” though is that understanding/mastering said depth isn’t remotely required to beat the game.
The closest thing to Zelda Maker would be the fan game Super Mario Bros X, which features Zelda II Link as a playable character alongside Mario/Luigi/Toad/Peach, along with an open-source campaign editor which has been used to build a standalone Zelda campaign: