
GW Bush did do some commendable things as President, including, for example, pressing to funds to help fight AIDS in Africa. And one of those commendable things he did was to sign legislation instructing the Smithsonian to start planning for this museum, and saying he believed it should be built on the national Mall.

I wonder if she fired them after this. She’s better security than any bodyguard who was there!

Sometimes marriages are just done and it’s not a third party’s fault. Unpopular opinion, I realize.

The wild speculation happening in the comments section here is making me profoundly uncomfortable. This is an abhorrent thing that has harmed we can’t even guess how many children and it’s basically gossip fodder. I’m uncomfortable for the people being named who have no connection to this other than that it would be

My cousin’s death certificate says he died of a heart attack. But it was a heart attack caused by a drug overdose. Similarly, aspiration-pneumonia = essentially choking on your own vomit due to a drug overdose. I mean, we can pretend Jim Morrison also died of a random heart attack, and Jimi Hendrix died of

Yeah, that’s my first thought too. A lot of the actors that are being suggested would have only been 20 years old or so at the time. I have a feeling it’s an old producer/director who is still working on big movies.

I love celebrity gossip and I even like Radar despite their constant spelling errors but damn. I don’t want my celebrity gossip sites to be political and it sucks that they are so anti-Hillary on their site.Who paid them to promote those posts is probably a better question.

Hmm. Everything I’ve read about Travolta (also gossip, mind you) makes mention of muscle-y-handsome, Greek God-type men. I always imagine that Travolta is deeply attracted to himself in “Staying Alive.”

So once upon a time, there was a website named Gawker that liked to make concrete statements about people while attributing the info behind them to “anonymous sources...”

“The closeted perv has never come out as gay — and even has children of his own.”

“The closeted perv has never come out as gay”

Because he very well may not be; being a child predator /= gay. Abusive sex is about power, not identity.

IF these sports programs are making that kind of revenue then those programs should be helping support the education of the students and not lining someone’s pockets. These are student athletes at a public university after all. Students who are the ones out there doing the hard work. Sure, pay the coach but what

Counterpoint: 120 mg of MDMA is not that strong, and pressed pills have been in the 200-250 mg range for years now. Bet if you flipped that Tesla one over there’d be a cut mark for splitting it in half.

Agreed. When I think of racial injustice and serious commentary on the state of the nation, the first thing that comes to mind is: But what do the hot 20-something year old blondes who more than likely got everything in life handed to them think?

She’s gonna make a great Facebook aunt someday.

“How dare you sit there and blame white people for the problems of the minority communities. After all, aren’t you half white? Didn’t two white parents adopt you, after yours weren’t willing to raise you?!”

OK, please don’t take this as racist, but I honestly thought he looked Italian or Catalonian. I’m third generation Portuguese from the Azores and my grandparents, my mom, aunts and uncles are as dark as he is.(I’m super white thanks to my dad) Many Mediterranean peoples are that dark.

There’s a warning in the headline!

I’m no doctor but that reaction is based on the brain’s response to suffering a traumatic injury and the resulting shock of realizing you have to have surgery in Brazil.