

The fact that Amazon doesn’t pay taxes is not Jeff Bezos’ fault. He uses current law to his advantage.

Yup. I think it’s hard to comprehend how vast a fortune can be. A net worth of $350 million, like Kim Kardashian has, at a 3% annual dividend payout would net $10.5 MILLION. A year. That sum can pay 233 people $45k a year ($21/hour full-time work), or 6 lifetimes worth of employment for an individual, or equal a

If Jeff Bezos was a country he would have the worlds 56th largest GDP. His company pays $0 in federal tax, and yet his companies vast interests domestically and across the globe are protected and backed up by the US federal government. All the shit that gets shipped from abroad is all protected by the US so nobody

Sorry, huh? “I took on work just so the app would stop bothering me”..... like, just turn off the notifications or delete the app bruh. Are we not adults? 

I noticed that change too. I think it IS the apartment Celeste rented out. I think she offered it up to Jane and Jane must’ve moved in. (Perry out of the picture, Celeste has the house and keys to this other apartment that she probably paid for up front. She offers the apartment to Jane as a small way to help her out

I think Celeste is helping her in some sort of financial way. Earlier in the season she asks Jane why she hasn’t been cashing the checks she’s been sending her on behalf of Perry’s estate (since Ziggy was his son too). I noticed the change in residences from Jane’s old house to the oceanside apartment. I figured

As a Dallasite, and looking at that map I’m disappointed that Sprint coverage won’t extend to more parts of South Dallas. The communities to the south of I-30 are under-invested and as these next-gen technologies advance the rich/poor divide will only continue to be exacerbated in our city. Looking at that map makes

I got the same sense in season 2. It felt like the writers were writing for the limited audience of Reddit vs writing a show that could be great for everyone. They missed the landing on that one. Sure, a not insignificant portion of the current viewership may be Redditors / etc. but shows like this, as with GoT, grow

What! I didn’t know Insecure was taking a year hiatus! I kept wondering when I would see a clip dispersed in the summer lineup promos they’ve been airing. I’m really upset now! It’s one of my favorite shows. Looks like Silicon Valley is taking an extended hiatus as well.... Westworld wont return until 2020.

Showing up at the 200 mark hmm...

Showing up at the 200 mark hmm...

I’ll make sure to provide a detailed itnerary of my life prior to making a comment online that may hint at alcoholism so no one gets confused. Lol.

Thank you fellow partier. Everyone replying to me seems like the closest they’ve gotten to a line is a line to the bathroom.

Depends on my work load. Most recently it’s been slow so I had like .... 3 Black out weekends. Prior it was super hectic so I didn’t drink for 11 weeks. Just depends on what I have on my desk and clients. I guess I didn’t really explain myself in my original post (Sorry, I’m on the tarmac eating McDonald’s and

Jeez. This article really brought up a lot of red flags. I don’t drink during the weekend but go very hard starting Friday (Black out), Saturday (black out), Sunday (black out). I’ve tried better managing my intake but it’s hard to do. The risk reduction practices are nice to read and will try that tonight (SXSW Oh

Counter point - Even if they told you “This is exactly what I did to strike it big and make it rich” how can you translate that breakthrough to current times? Markets (financial, tech, media, etc.) can change drastically in the span of a short time. In hindsight successful choices seem like a no brainer, but more than

Yeah, almost everyone has herpes. not sure why there wasn’t a distinction made between HSV-1 (oral herpes which causes cold sores and is found in pretty much everyone) or HSV-2 (genital herpes, which is harder to come by but still pretty common). Is Traywick attempting to “cure” both strains? Who knows. Just take

Now playing

It’s my first Fourth of July in LA and been listening to this.

Yes it does. Luxury housing caters to the top of the market whereas without it the top of the market would be going out and renting the middles share (driving up rents). If the luxury sector appeals to the top there are more spaces available for everyone else. (see: NYC rental rates slowly flat lining and even

Agree! I haven’t been in LA long (just a few months now) but as a Southerner working in development the regulatory hurdles here are insane and hampering the city. With the passing of Measure M I think the decades ahead of us will see the city reshape into one that’s greatly denser with a more central form of planning