
Totally agree - Southerner living in LA and working in development in the Inland Empire ..... the base fee for permitting and housing studies here is ridiculous! You’re talking a ballpark of $35k-40k in permit fees and 4-6 months of waiting before a single piece of cement is laid or a rafter is put up on a 1,200 sq ft

If your partner is on Stribild, allowing him to have a healthy T cell count, then condoms should be adequate protection. Great way to pass on health care costs to others though.

Truvada isn’t a necessity though - you can get the same level of protection by buying 15$ worth of condoms at CVS ......

How big is your house? My parents have a small home (for our neighborhood) of 3,500 sq ft and it tends to run bout 700$/month in electric.

Second that. I’m really curious about Westworld but at this point I’d rather DVR everything and then catch up on when the season is over. Only show I watch week to week is Game of Thrones because I know if I miss it live it’ll get spoiled someway, somehow. Netflix and Hulu have large enough libraries now that I can

That’s an out of date 2 year old article. Apple’s sapphire glass supplier filed for bankruptcy last year - in actuality there’s no major sapphire glass components on the new iPhone except on the camera and touch ID button.

Will it though? Invest that money into backing research at the academic level and you won’t see innovation decline. We have some of the best academic institutions and research centers in the world - and we have a lot of schools at the state level that are hungry to grow their science programs. Feed them and reap the

What narrative? Moments doesn’t have the penetration the Snapchat’s Stories/Live carousels do. If they Twitter want to push their own products it seems it would be more cost effective to just pay for inline advertisement. Snapchat will become profitable far sooner than Twitter - it seems like a lousy investment.

I’m not just talking about the space program - I’m talking about infrastructure and research as a whole body. Our government is increasingly pushing for privatization at all sectors which is ultimately less beneficial to our society. You want to know what a nation stands for? Look at the things they choose to fund and

The difference, I think, is that the USA at one point used to build and fund great infrastructure/societal projects and pushed relentlessly into uncharted territory. We refused to accept the limits of our time and always strived to achieve the impossible. We don’t dream like that anymore and it’s sad that a once

Just get a go-pro and mount it to your bike or helmet. Done.

Editorial consequences? Journalistic integrity? Material impact? C’mon. Give me a break. The Verge is a tech coverage site! What ground breaking defining journalism has ever been produced from them that warrants the use of that type of language? They pump out reviews and tech updates not exposés!

That piece was so out of touch with what punk rock means today. It may be “punk rock” to middle aged white Republican voters going against the establishment of their party but for young Democrats (i.e. a whole lot of young people) punk rock is Bernie Sanders. I’m so done with the NYT op-ed pieces of this election.

FaceTune - great photoshop lite clone to clear up faces and whiten teeth with a digital blur tool you can apply to your photos. But yeah - I went from a 5 to a Plus and the difference was annoying for two weeks and .... it’s still slightly annoying, but I can’t live without the extra screen real estate and I’m used to

lol wat? You just described trickle down economics which is total bullshit as far as economic theory goes; you should know better by now. If you think a rich kid buying 7 iPhones is going to impact the wider local community you’re dead wrong. The community isn’t going to see a penny of that wealth but Apple sure will.

I read that line as Radar having another scoop on this person - beyond being a pervert they also take adult male lovers. Certainly at that level of wealth you can be in the closet and have a very active gay lifestyle without your spouse/family knowing - just say you have a press junket in NYC or wherever. I know a

8 cars is still less than 20 cars. Middle class spending, be it vehicles, technology, real estate, or leisure, is still the single most important thing to our economy. No matter how you want to put it the impact of the rich in our consumer driven economy is negligible because they don’t buy as much as the rest of us.

All that wealth and no taste. That Ikea couch is an absolute tragedy. Next time he should throw some money at an interior decorator.

Uhm .... us have nots and working people are not “a lot better off” when the ultra rich spend their money as you say. The economic impact of the 1% spending habits is almost negligible in our consumer driven economy. A billionaire buying a $500,000 sports car is not going to impact the economy in the way that 20

What fragmentation? iOS 10 is on 34% of all iOS devices a week after its debut, iOS 9 is on 62% and steadily declining as people upgrade to 1o, and less than 5% of devices run iOS 8 or earlier. Compare that to the 30 something percent of Android devices running 3 year old Kit Kat and there’s really no argument.