
I know people like painting Angelina as this cold evil witch bitch, but if anything Brad is the asshole in this case.... per the reliable TMZ:

They’ve been together for 12 years so if they were doomed it certainly took a long time for the end to come. TMZ is reporting the split was a result of Brad’s heavy weed and alcohol consumption and possible anger problems - they cite Angelina’s concern for her children as the primary reason for her desire to divorce

I actually came out to California to work in urban planning with the intent to focus on housing in the long term of my career. I’m totally with you on the idea of proposing annual rent caps. Additionally I think new developments or those undertaking significant renovations should be required to set aside 15% of total

Thank you for this! I’m really scared and nervous to be honest as it’s my first time being on my own and all alone. Huge transition for me. But, people make it through bigger moves with less money, education, and support and somehow they make it through all right. Scariest part for me is starting a social life from

Thanks for the tip! I’ll be living a little more inland so not actually LA but to me it’s all the same lol. I hadn’t considered month to month places until now honestly. I think that would be a better fit until I can find either housemates or a more suitable apartment for my needs. Appreciate it :)

Yup I’ll be in the same boat. Mix in rent, utilities, bills, etc .... at the end of the month I think I’ll be lucky if I manage to afford a weekend dinner, even luckier if I don’t have to ask my parents for money :( But I digress. People do with even less and I only plan on being here a year. Don’t know how you manage

Great beaches, world class museums, endless entertainment venues, nice parks, huge food scene, good education/educational opportunities, some decent jobs..... that’s a lot of nice stuff going for the LA area! You may not frequent those places, but they’re there.

Well Apple did buy Carpool Karaoke and will be producing it in the near future as a platform to drive access to Apple Music. Makes sense that he would be on board for advertising as it’ll be promoting his show and the platform it’ll be on.

Very nice animation and mirrors my own experience visiting Los Angeles. Off topic - I recently graduated from college and accepted a position near-ish LA and I’m already counting down the days to complete my 1 year term at my job and then I plan on hauling my ass back to Texas. I’m paying $1,000 for a bare bones

What doesn’t make sense about Apple buying Tidal? Apple last year launched Apple Music and acquired a headphones business they’ve now removed the headphone jack standard and are pushing the lightning port and wireless (and it’s new wireless chip) as the future. Tidal provides HiFi audio and acquiring and integrating

Best feature is apps in iMessage IMO (and the inclusion of Siri and third party apps). I can definitely see myself using Venmo and OpenTable in iMessage exclusively instead of opening the app now. Very welcome functionality quite honestly.

It won’t “brick” your phone, but it certainly may slow it down considerably. If you’re going to stick with the 5 I would not update until benchmarks come out for performance on older models. High risk that it’ll slow it down considerably.

At this point is there any new groundbreaking tech for either Samsung or Apple to do? I think the feeling of ambivalence comes from the fact that phones have become so good now they’ve essentially transcended into commodities. A used Android or iPhone is still a workhorse. Tech is plateauing and there’s only so much

Ah yes, UNLV - the Ivy of the West. Alma mater of such American luminaries as Guy Fieri and Suge Knight. A center of the fiercest most astute political minds.

I can see why the Treasury responded the way it did. It sets a bad precedent to single out an individual company and come for them so aggresively (especially when that company is the crown jewel of American business). Allowing the EU spank Apple and suddenly nations across the world may think it’s ok to mess with US

Kids, teenagers, 20-somethings. Which makes me wonder - does the cost of “celebrity” endorsements translate to sales and is it more effective than maybe FB advertisement or other traditional sales? I think not, and I don’t think influencers are going to have a long shelf life going forward - most of the stuff they

And “nowhere” can easily become “somewhere”. A little over 2 decades ago Austin was just another sleepy little state capitol and now look at it. But people who live in NYC/LA/SF have to put everyone else down in order to justify their rent prices, I guess.

Totally! Funding community colleges is one of the best things you can do for a local economy.

His lack of eyebrows is the real Stranger Things.

What’s bad about that listing yourself as a role model? Sometimes when it’s tough the only person you can look to is yourself (because no one else will put you on a pedestal).