
That’s what I think too! (Re: Jon) Out of all the characters on the show Jon and Dany are the most static and least developed. Jon came back from the dead and he was still Mr. Righteous Moral Compass - like, seriously? It’s frustrating that the show has pivoted so much towards him while so many other complex

Guess Dany didn’t get that memo since it’s been 6 seasons and she’s barely leaving that damn continent.

Anytime I see a GoT still without color grading I always do a double take. Without all the mood enhancing coloring it all looks rather silly.

FUCK. I am way too high for that comment lol. Busted my ass laughing.

*Gendry: Takes 3 seasons to row from Kings Landing to Meereen*

Melisandre did point out her devotion to the Lord of Light last night, but admitted that she doesn’t entirely know their future plans or intentions. Maybe she’ll make the Shireen-Jon connection next week and go back into fanaticism.

Opposite for me. When Jon was under that mountain of people getting suffocated a la Americans on Black Friday I was so so so rooting for his death. Would’ve been a great way to off one of my least liked characters. Sadly the writers pushed it up to the brink then scaled back :(

It’s a return to form that the show was sorely missing. The missteps it takes are outweighed by the bad assery that happens.

I wish they would snip off that other big ass dangling thread that is Dorne too. Gendry is probably still rowing somewhere out in the ocean :(

What annoys me show Yara crossed the entire world in like, what, 2 episodes? And it took Arya like an entire season to make it down to Braavos.

Best GoT weekly recap comment ever.

I thought this “fans”. I was like - little harsh to blame the guys death on him not treating his fans good?

The best peddler of them all...

$10m/10 days for basic GoT action but big episodes are significantly more costly and complex since every passing season the big action scene gets bigger and has to get larger sets, extras, crew, CGI, etc. This could easily be a $40m episode or more.

Bruh - the episode hasn’t even aired yet. There are no spoilers. Literally everyone knows there’s going to be a big bastard fight this week. It was on the “Next Week” preview.

What you dread is what I hope for. Off the boring stick in the mud that is Jon for good and be done with it.

I’m desperately hoping they off Jon and Sansa off. They’re the most insufferable characters IMO.

I really hope the entire episode isn’t focused on just the battle with Jon at the center of it. The battle at the Wall, Hardhome, and now this - ugh. Most boring fights sequences in all of GoT, but maybe just because I have a complete and total hatred of Jon which taints what would otherwise be awesome scenes. He’s so

It’s web portal stuff is its core service and those portals were pretty popular. A lot of the most used platforms and services we use now were already on Yahoo (albeit in a rudimentary way) a long time ago but the company neglected those services and failed to evolve them properly. In hind sight it’s easy to see how