
You shouldn’t really be shocked at the stock price - you said it yourself “go pro has features that still compete with other cameras, why would I upgrade?” It’s not a daily driver for most people like a phone or laptop where a big new feature is enough to warrant an upgrade.

Imagine playing that disc and hearing a series of code that, when deciphered, warns of an imminent extraterrestrial threat to the solar system. Woah, I think we have a big summer blockbuster on our hands.

That’s how you know the series is based entirely in fantasy ;)

They shouldn’t get special treatment because they’re a company of allegedly 50 employees and not a conglomerate - consumers can, and will, punish you if they think you’re pulling one over on them. If it happened to Martin Shkreli’s Turing Pharmaceuticals then it can, and should, happen to the Fine Brothers.

Additionally it seems as if they’ve removed the apology video and the initial announcement video from their channel. It doesn’t look like they’re back peddling so much as trying to pretend the whole thing never took place. The schadenfreude is strong.

YouTubers, hemorrhaging hundreds of thousands of subscribers, firmly back pedal in an attempt to keep their money making machine afloat

At a certain age you have to come to terms with the fact that you should not be wearing certain articles of clothing or risk looking like a total douche.

Don’t forget the content they didn’t create that’s being reacted to ....

They’re ubiquitous enough at this point that having another react channel pop up and take over their gig isn’t really probable. I’m glad to see this blatant power play backfire by having their subscriber count drop. Their work is unoriginal and one of the most common denominators in entertainment - not sure what they

Also Rob posted this to his Instagram.

Maturing markets, slowing global economies, stagnating OS, a boring design from the onset.... not surprising that growth has plateaued. This is a new design year so, like always with new designs, demand is going to be through the roof. I do hope this is a wake up call for Apple to innovate their asses off and not just

Take home is not that great! I drove for Uber for a hot minute because I wanted liquor and party money and asking for going out cash would have been a stretch on my parents largesse. (Was in college at the time). I quit because I felt like I was wasting my time with how little I was making. I singed up because I

I imagine at her age all those extreme facial features she’s constantly making will be catching up to her quickly in terms of wrinkles...

Counter point to that: Stricter CAFE standards mandate increased MPG across the board by 2025. Even with renewed interest in larger vehicles auto makers are still federally obligated to increase the range of the vehicles if they want to bring them to market. People may want to buy trucks more, but if companies want to

Just giving my two cents here, but I thought last season was really good. Season 3 seems meandering and boring because the acquisition of power is always an infinitely more interesting and compelling story than the maintenance of it. The season represented the most difficult and trying time for the characters

Hire some world class chefs to cook for me. I’m tired of my meals consisting of frozen food that gets heated up in the microwave or oven.

Updated Macbook Pros! I know it’s not the most exciting thing, but I’m really looking forward to getting a new one. I currently have a 2011 13” Macbook Pro which I bought as a Junior in HS (I graduated college last month so have had it for quite a while). I think this particular machine has served its purpose and it’s

Apple developed an Apple Music app for Android too - it’s under “Apple Music” On the google play store :-)