
For myself Recently Added only shows the last 118 photos I've taken which is a big inconvenience when I have 1,263 photos on my phone. Scrolling through the Photos album "Moments" (or whatever it's billed at) is a huge inconvenience as it takes a long time to scroll through all my pictures. Bad new "feature".

works great for me. no noticeable slow down here

Just pirate it ....

It's kind of ridiculous that they're still offering the 16g for $200, but oh well - I'm really glad to see the 64GB priced at $300 which is what I was expecting to pay. After 2 years I've filled up my 32gb iPhone so it's time for something with a little more storage.

It would be great if you could post up a spectrum analysis and a video without the analysis overlaid.

Lots of cities had similar laws - Austin did too back in the day.

I think this could be a good thing especially in the face of population decline and aging. Already many developed nations are facing falling birth rates (Germany, Russia, Japan to name a few examples) and overall world population is expected to peak sometime within our lifetimes. Technology may outpace falling birth

I think getting one done of yourself would be a cool thing to have as a souvenir of yourself at that age. Something you can show kids like "Look this is what dad looked like when he was 20" or something like that.

If Wolfram Alpha is correct then the state of Texas alone has a significantly larger land mass than the country of France 50,531 mi² (130,875 km²). It's much easier to have a robust, and cheaper, network when you have a smaller footprint to cover. When you have a land area of 3.5 million mi² (9.16 km²) to cover things

I guess it's just different from phone to phone - mine only shows photos from 2 weeks ago. This is one of those "it's not broken, so why fix it" things for me.

The removal of Camera Roll for Recently Added has been my biggest gripe. I can't stand it.

When you send photos it shows you your last 4 photos - then options to access your photo library or take a photo. I actually think it's a nice feature.

A new iPhone would be a great back to school present for myself from myself. Can't wait for it to come out.

Yup, it's pretty much just a texting app.

The infrastructure in Brownsville blows - I was there last week on personal business with my mother and the entire time I was there I was just counting down the hours until we could head back home. It really is a hectic mess. With that said bringing a program like Space X could be a boon to the local economy if the

No, my porn habits haven't changed if that's what the between-the-lines question is.

The bill would affect carriers within the United States only. If there is a Japanese carrier with a branch in the US then the US branch would have to abide by the new law.

Nice write up and I'm enjoying the other pieces so far as well. Spearfishing is one of those things I've wanted to try out for a while, but there isn't any spear fishing spots in central Texas (if there are it'd be great if someone could tell me about them). Maybe after college when I have a paying job and disposable

How does .... how does that even happen? Children....