It’s extremely telling to me that in all the online references to his accident that I can find, none link to the actual incident or describe how “someone else” caused him harm as is usually the case when they do...
It’s extremely telling to me that in all the online references to his accident that I can find, none link to the actual incident or describe how “someone else” caused him harm as is usually the case when they do...
Calling your snake oil a “protocol” in an attempt to lend it credibility. Classic. I wish I was amused by their repeated misuse of the word instead of infuriated to the point of wanting to punch them in the stupid mouth for thinking it makes them sound learned.
In no way does it make any sense to attach the victim’s photo to the crime. The victims should be given every opportunity to best move on with their lives, not be forced to see their names and faces plastered all over the place everywhere their abuser/rapist is mentioned.
Assuming you can afford the policy from Chubb. They may be willing to underwrite whatever value you want, but they’re not just going to give you a normal car rate for that, they’re going to charge you what they feel makes the chance worth their risk. This can get pricey fast, and if you’re buying a handicap…
You fucking morons have had the past 26 years to watch “The Future of Football” and have done your level best to keep your heads in the sand ignoring it. Belichick and Brady aren’t the future of football dumbdumbs, Robert Kraft is. His ownership of the Patriots is what allowed the Belichick/Brady empire to grow. He…
Going to an expensive college is also a luxury since you could have gone to a CC for 2 years, then transferred to a state college, or gotten your degree myriad other ways that didn’t involve borrowing a shit-ton of money. Another one smart enough to go to college, but too stupid to understand the financial…
A degree is a degree unless it comes from a legitimate ivy league school, which if you can’t afford you get there by way of scholarship or you don’t go. So where you get your second-rate bachelors in criminology doesn’t matter 2 shits to prospective employers, not to mention no where on your degree will it ever say…
The point isn’t whether or not rich people can pay their fines, but that by making the fines the same for rich and poor you’re unfairly punishing the poor by, in effect, charging them more for the same infraction. To the rich a parking ticket is an annoyance, like tipping the bellhop, to the poor it literally can be…
That most of the guys you date are shitty heathens with little-to-no respect for you as a human isn’t an indictment of the male half of the species so much as it is an indication of your shitty taste in men. One, two bad experiences? Absolutely okay to blame the individual guys. Continuous shitty experiences? Still…
I’m a horrible person but I love it enough that I freely offer cunnilingus without expectation of reciprocation as long as I’m attracted to the woman (I do have some standards).
Most democrats do, dipshit.
I’m glad they continue to perpetuate the lie that you have to be a democrat if you’re black, we wouldn’t want them poor blacks getting any ideas in their heads about working to lift themselves out of poverty when we can just continue to pay them a pittance, and give them just enough free things to ensure they will…
"When I was taking my test, I was being evaluated by a retired MA state trooper. Towards the very end of the drive, I needed to make a left turn across a 2 lane road back into the school's parking lot, but there was an ambulance flying down the oncoming direction with its lights and siren going about half a mile away.…
Drifting certainly looks cool, just ask Chris Harris, but don't do it so much that your tires go bald and you end up looking like this fool.
Bloomberg reports that Boston and Worcester, Mass. are the most crash-prone cities in the U.S, according to an annual study by Allstate Insurance. The study said that drivers in Worcester get into crashes every 4.3 years on average, and in Boston, it's just only slightly better at 4.4 years.
But that's just it, no evidence pointed towards Barajas. You're assuming it's a foregone conclusion that he murdered Banda, but somehow managed to make the gun powder residue and the gun disappear before cops arrived, or witnesses noticed. But I admit, it's a little suspicious that no counter-narrative has surfaced…
5.) The Fourth Gen F-Body
7.) Chevy Corvette
Da fuq is this hippy shit? You can't "accidentally" kill minorities with this shit. Get the fuck outta here!