Captain Gladys Stoatpamphlet

“Severed all business ties” except his owning 1/6 of the company, I guess?

I thought they already had a time limit. The problem with that is what happens after a call is overturned. They then have to determine how that changes the state of the game, and you can’t really put a time limit on that.

I believe they should eliminate all automatic reviews. Any play can be challenged, but a team only gets 2-3 per game. Then they are less likely to be used on stupid shit like where the ball was spotted.

He lists all of the major events coming to Los Angeles over the next 10 years, including Super Bowl LVI, the MLB All-Star game, the 2026 World Cup, and the 2028 Summer Olympics.

Would iodine tablets be considered a performance-enhancing drug?

They literally can react faster than the rest of the world, even when bullets are flying. They can react quicker than anyone else when something happens on that field.

I suppose that makes Jon Gruden = Illyrio Mopatis

I assume it’s owned by Jerry Jones.

Mandrake, have you ever seen a commie drink a glass of water? Vodka. That’s what they drink, isn’t it? Never water. On now account will a commie ever drink water - and not without good reason.

It’s funny that the Raiders are closer to San Francisco than the 49ers are, but the 49ers are the team with territorial rights.

Let go of the stick, man!

Give the escort credit for dining in. Eating while driving would have been irresponsible.

Why did the Vikings miss the playoffs? Paper beats rock.

Whither Machado? Yonder Alonso.

I guarantee you, Jon Gruden and I are going to know what a Raider looks like and smells like.

Former Alabama punter JK Scott is in his first year of holding for the Green Bay Packers. He said he’s learned from veteran placekicker Mason Crosby just how much the three players involved on a kick can improve by practicing together.

I’ll believe it when I see it. Now it’s just bluster like the countless idle threats to sue.

14-point deficit likely refers to today’s margin of victory.

The sequence with Luck being pelted with football-shaped cannonballs makes me question whether ESPN knows how football works, either.

College coach contracts are pointless.