
I really don't get all the hate towards this thing, why be so negative towards something most of us will never be able to afford, it will never end up in your driveway nor will it end up in your neighbors driveway, you will never have to see it while shopping for your Aventador either because you will probably never

People have also been known to line up for gadgets, movies, clubs, event tickets etc…. people seem to like lining up

This also comes in handy if his nose gets an itch….. He could just pick it

That was an awesome video, thanks for sharing it


Just like the iconic car he designed, he didn't change much over the years either.

I can't log in

your cat clearly has only ever fallen on plush carpet, if she fell on concrete back first just once she would surely remember to flip around every time

That makes much more sense, thanks for the clarification

I'd say…. I for one am hooked

I just like reading through all of the comments, they are sometimes more entertaining/informative than the articles, while reading past comments, I've noticed that the moderators often ban similar posts or moved the comment to a different section, I was just curious as to why this particular comment wasn't held up to

You fell for her on the first date? How sweet.

Really, you come here for news? Might I suggest BBC or CNN? This is a tech blog, I would imagine that their main focus is to review and update their readers on the latest gadgets, with the occasional weird random post thrown in ever so often.

Lol, I was speaking specifically about the ultimate edition. I know there are a few RR owners that actually use there vehicles for for their off road capabilities but I'm sure you'll admit they are the exception and not the rule

Designing this watch to survive at these depths, while impressive is utterly useless, it's the equivalent of making the Autobiography Ultimate Edition Range Rover. While RR's are known for their off road capabilities, this luxury vehicle will never see anything but pavement

I'm no scientist but I suspect your overheating problem had something to do with Sofia Vergara…. ohh and same goes for your iPad

Can we all chip in and buy a pair for Lil Wayne?

Just curious but what makes you think that their core clientele cares about details and specs? I'm assuming that Tag will market this product to an extremely select group of individuals, I would imagine that those 12 people would all be part of the 1%ers, Male, 28-35 Years Old, Made their money in a relatively short

Marty McFly: Wait a minute, Doc. Ah... Are you telling me that you built a time machine... out of a DeLorean?

One of the main reasons why I visit Gizmodo and Jalopnik on a regular basis over the years is because of the commenters, it is by far, much better than all the other tech blogs that I may visit occasionally. Gaining the insights of the writer on a particular gadget is only one aspect that I use to make a decision on