If you look really closely at the back left bumper there's a sticker that reads "my other car is a 1955 Porsche 550 spyder that I paid $3.685M for" I guess that's what he keeps in his garage
If you look really closely at the back left bumper there's a sticker that reads "my other car is a 1955 Porsche 550 spyder that I paid $3.685M for" I guess that's what he keeps in his garage
Ahh my work here is done. I should probably try to get some work done at the office while I'm at it
Probably but poor Gabriela won't read this post until the 15th day... You know.... The story of her life
We try not to call them…….
Please don't, then it may become part of the Caribbean and I speak for most islanders when I politely say NO THANKS…. We're good
And I thought $300 for the regular ones were outrageous
Matt, I truly miss when any Gizmodo staff leaves especially the old school crew, I wish you success in future ventures.
yeah but it takes some mighty big balls for the ad agency to present this commercial to the school and it takes even bigger balls for the school to approve the ad to air.
I would choose that school solely because of that ad…. it is that awesome
She'll need to be slightly over weight, have lots of issues, tendency to nag a lot, be prone to headaches, not be able to cook and must lie almost motionless in bed.
Thats great, I've noticed that most young parents are very attached to their devices and sometimes neglect the important things in life. I try my best not to fall into that trap and to remind anyone else when possible. Kids emulate what they are surrounded by and will inevitably fall into that same habit if we don't…
This is not meant to provoke or troll in any way because I agree with all of your points, but more to hopefully promote better family values and/or lifestyle.
For some reason my brain couldn't comprehend the headline on the first go, I had to read it twice…. and then look at the picture…. I must be stupid.
They never listen..... I told him not to rush into marriage
Blonde bitches have all the fun
Another version of the story is that one guy went out to buy the bottle and another guy was sent to buy a label. When they met back at the office they realized that the label was too big but time was running out so they decided to just make it work.
Here's a picture of the oversized label
Angastura Bitters is manufactured in Trinidad (my home island), it's one of the most popular bitters worldwide and has a secret recipe that is closely guarded. It distinguishes its appearance from other brands by an oversized label, here's a fun fact about how that oversized label came to be
you are an evil person bigasian....EVIL