
Yeah I should have posted a correction on that - I had actually mixed up their Wii U console sales (~14m as you mentioned) with their Software sales (~96m).

Jim Ryan has recently had the problem of putting his foot in his mouth. His views and opinions feel like AAA fanboy bullshit instead of true calm, collected talk from a man in that position.

A cheap GTX 1060 is more than enough to enter the VR game... It’s not nearly as taxing and expensive as before since drivers have been updated and graphics card makers are in the VR game now.

A cheap GTX 1060 is more than enough to enter the VR game... It’s not nearly as taxing and expensive as before since

seriously though, those bokoblins have their own language, culture, and societies. Yet Link’s the hero for running in and murdering them while they’re sleeping or sometimes having dance parties. He’s probably referred to as the “white devil” in their stories. 

Why stop there? F-Zero collection.

So... this is about a marauding dinosaur that invades peaceful towns, kills its inhabitants, destroys its buildings, and takes its treasures. Has Bowser ever been the villainous?

Probably vomit.

Are...are the bears flexing along with Zangief?

I was always drawn to the side stuff more than the story missions so by the time I finished the story I only had two trophies left to platinum: the training dummies and the two rockbreaker corrupt zone.

Be honest here guys: Whom of you forgot that Activision and Blizzard have merged almost 10 years ago? I certainly did!

I once booked a ticket from the US to the Philippines (and then returning from Hong Kong with a few day stop in Tokyo) through work. It was one of those partnered flights, where I booked it through Japan Air, but the US portions were through American Air.

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Track: Get the Balance Right | Artist: Depeche Mode | Album: Construction Time Again

Someone was really slacking off in 2004. Also, have they done Vietnam yet?

There’s always time travel. I mean who wouldn’t want to play a video game where you can ride a Cyborg T-Rex through some Nazis?

I actually got really far in Sewer Shark (it was one of the only Sega CD games I had). I got to one of the videos with the boss character (who was always stuffing his face in every scene, even if he was riding a jet ski or surfing) and the video froze with a disk read error. There were no save points and that point

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It doesn’t have that cringy feel of early 90's FMV games.

I ended up outside of the pit after it spawned, ducked behind the barrier and pelted it with arrows. Duck when rocks are coming, rinse, repeat. Made it trivial actually.

Still own my 60 gigabit day one fat PS3.