
Why don’t they introduce a new mode of play?

MACT, yeah MACT.

Years of use have acclimated people who play and talk about games a lot to the convenience of “metroidvania,” and it doesn’t hurt that the game that it most often points to, 1997’s Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, was a watershed moment in video games, reinventing one classic franchise by borrowing liberally from

My only issue with the term is that Metroid came way before SotN—AND with more eponymous installments in its series—so it’s weird that the latter gets a co-billing. Oh well.

15 years? As soon as the establishing games had their unholy conjunction it was too late.

Considering this is on BBC, they are making her sound like an obnoxious american. Kind of reminds me of how Hilary would speak on Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

Don’t forget Dragon’s Crown also from Vanillaware, I believe the Vita version is still crossplay compatible with PS3 and PS4 versions. 

I look at the Atari controller and it resembles a medieval torture device.

Street Fighter 2 :SCE and Eternal Champions benefit immediately, everything else benefits from the better overall controller.

A 1 TB NVMe drive currently costs you and me between $100-300 USD depending on manufacturer, and that’s with them making a profit.

Waiting is the best idea.

Yeah, there is going to be a compromise moving from a wired headset that gets its visuals and power from a PC, to a wireless unit that generates its own graphics and sound, maintains its own tracking/boundaries etc... and does it all off rechargeable power.

The Quest is standalone, it doesn’t need a PC for anything so it has it’s own Oculus store. Oculus seems to be good about getting content on it though; Robo Recall, Moss, Beat Saber and others are already on the Quest.

I haven’t spent much more than the first DLC (Osiris/ Mercury and Warmind) for Destiny 2 on PS4 and still running basic D2 on PC, just because I lived through D1 and recognize the same pattern.

Funny how after they were warned once about the music, with at least two people recording, nobody got her on video calling them monkeys...

Except that the GTI, Civic/CRX and others existed back then as well, but your point remains, the modern versions fill that slot today.

Somewhat relevant...

They are future proofing, right now you would need a pretty beefy rig to maintain those refresh rates in VR, but down the road the computers/gpus/memory/storage gets cheaper and faster.

It seems you can mix and match some components, the Valve system is compatible with HTC Vive equipment. For example the Valve headset seems to have comparable features/resolution to the Vive Pro which is currently $799 by itself. The complete Vive pro kit can currently be found for $1098 where previously it was $1399.

I think Bottas had an awakening between last season and this season similar to the one Nico had the season before he won his championship.