
Why can’t your friend come over to your place? (aside from him being a jerk...your words :P ).

Yes, seriously. I didn’t say holding the controller against you body or some other surface (I don’t even see what you described in the gamepad image I linked). You hold it with both hands, just rotate your right hand so your palm faces down or the same angle as if you were playing in the arcade, your right thumb

When you play Street Fighter 2 in the arcades the index, middle and ring fingers of your right hand hovered over the six buttons.

Neo Geo works fine.

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The advertising aspect is a challenge; on the one hand, most smartphones today can give you a VR experience with Google Cardboard (both the free app and the cardboard lens which range anywhere from $3-20 dollars) and Gear-like headsets (which run $20 and up ), so it wouldn’t be too difficult to a produce VR

With IOS, they just have make one version of the game. With Android you have phones/tablets running many different versions of the OS. They vary from phone maker and from service provider.

Autocorrect strikes again?

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Don’t even sweat that, this is a discussion, we are expressing our opinions. :)

I don’t think it’s a matter of ‘Nintendo doesn’t do that stuff’ or that their intention is of making a niche (or whatever you want to call the opposite of/not mainstream) console (you can’t even bring up the portable space, because they have owned it from the beginning), it’s only in reflection that we label

It is never as simple as ‘they did this and look what happened’. There are other factors that led to one console winning a generation vs others, not just power.

PSVR is a bit of a mixed blessing, it’s bringing VR at a cheaper price, but it’s technically lacking in capability to deliver the best of experiences that come with the room scale. Occulus even with the touch suffers the same issues, it’s tracking isn’t as good without buying extra sensors and so you miss out.

Side note: Quake 3 Arena on Dreamcast allowed you to play w/against PC players out of the box. Sega did release a keyboard and mouse, and Q3A supported it.

Reminds of these guys from Sony’s Playroom...

So it’s a very annoying-sounding Buzz Lightyear, got it

Some of the earlier threads around the internet on this topic had responses which clarified some of it; the Voice actors being in a guild/union, want other union workers (pretty standard in movies and TV) hired for stunt supervision or stunt performance (mocap in game development). One dev responding stated that the

Best Buy has them every weekend(select hours fri,sat and sun) through the holiday season. Just check their website to see which stores in your area are holding them

Yep by that definition, any one shot OAVs would be out just like movies too.

The resolution for both Rift and Vive is 2160 x 1200 total which is 1080 x 1200 per eye and @ 90Hz like you stated (they both actually have a separate screen for each eye).

Find out in Destiny 2... :P

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Yes, a friend has the Vive and I’ve played games on it regularly, those Valve VR Lab games, Project Cars, the Nvidia VR carnival games and a few others. It is a great product and so far imo, the best implementation of consumer VR, especially the room VR and the controller tracking. I’ve never experienced motion