
That’s part of it, how they sound, it is a written comment. How it sounds is how the person reading it decides to say it. One person can read it one way and it’s harmless informal even tongue in cheek. Another person reads it and it’s insulting PR nightmare etc.

Yep, you and me both. CoD:BloPs:Declassified probably did exponential damage to the Vita’s AAA handling reputation; the game was rushed, was outsourced and left a bad taste in people’s mouths.
I would have preferred Activision porting CoD 4: Modern Warfare to the Vita (base it off the Wii port if necessary), instead

Hindsight is 20:20, when this demo was shown though, (January 2011) the Vita was still being referred to as the NGP (Next Generation Portable), we didn’t know back then how it would sell, or that it was being paired with expensive proprietary memory cards.

I used to buy anime back in the late 80s/early 90s and one company that imported and sub-titled them(AnimEgo iirc) would add citations to explain phrases, situations, etc.. that were common and well known to the Japanese audience but were unknown to western audiences. These details added immensely to the enjoyment and

When Sega decided to switch up the Sonic CD soundtrack a bit between the American and Japanese versions, that was censorship? That is a stupid argument.

I would love to play a Force Awakens game with that art style...I imagine it taking influence from Gunstar Heroes, Scott Pilgrim and maybe some Castle Crashers...

They probably didn’t tell ‘us’, they probably told their investors and the gaming press was either there for the announcement or found out after.

Herzog Zwei came out on the MegaDrive/Genesis in 1989. Warcraft came out in 1994. Starcraft in 1998.

“However, it’s not merely the successor to the handheld 3DS or stationary console Wii U. This will be hardware that’s been made with a new way of thinking. I’d like to announce more particulars regarding its specs and how it works another time this year.”

I picked up the keyboard and mouse for the DC, then promptly played 3 player split screen Quake 3 Arena with a couple of friends (because the keyboard and mouse took 2 of the controller ports)...the one using the keyboard mouse combo destroyed the rest of us who were using controllers.

Gel Mousepads aren’t a new thing, and they exist in more mundane forms too...

Now I want to know how to make a Sphinx origami...

The one’s included in the DoA Xtreme 3 collectors set reflect the girls they are based on...

He did compose music for the first Batman film (Michael Keaton, Tim Burton)...he did have a video Batdance, where he dons a Joker motif...

you literately just proved my point. The entire reason this is an “issue” is because Playasia and GG’s stated this game was banned by SJW.

It’s also not the same as the game being Banned in the US like Playasia and Gamergaters claimed. Which is the entire arguement.

Where specifically do they state Asian market? I see North America, Europe, Japan and Rest of the World. Asia would fall into rest of the world, but so would Africa, South America, Australia etc... not sure you can just lump those totals in as the Asian market.

Do you have them handy (Asian Sales figures)? I’d be interested in seeing them.

If they are going to go by how a game did compared to one of its earlier incarnations, then Tecmo should have stopped with DoA 3 (2001 on Xbox) because that was the high point sales-wise for the series. DoA 4 sold less than a 1/4 than DoA 3 did. DoA 5's combined sales on all platforms hasn’t apparently passed DoA 3

Tecmo could state that all they want, but the fact remains that the first 2 Xtreme games were released on western centric consoles, the original Xbox and the Xbox 360. Neither of these console made a big impact in Japan, and yes, in absolute numbers the xtreme games sold more in western markets.