
Maybe they stated things previously and ‘changed’ what they said because it wasn’t supposed to be revealed at the time? When Linkle was first discovered it was through the drawing in the art book that states “she is a girl version of hero Link”.

That’s clearly not a human baby...


I could see an audience partaking in this through the smartphone VR solutions as typically almost everybody has a smartphone these days. I don’t know how compatible or feasible that solution is though...

In this case it is likely the latter, buy on PS3/PS4, because it is coming out for those consoles as well. That being said, the control schemes for the Dualshock 3 and 4 already would be a matter of including them for the PSTV.

The MKIV was sold in Europe before the U.S.(debuted in 1997) and the R32 debuted there in late 2002 as an 03.

Several things:

Yes, in the US the VR6 Golf is the GTI VR6. The GTI exists as almost a separate line to the Golf over here, (despite being a trim level of the Golf everywhere else).

I saw all three current gen consoles with game bundles @ $300 during this holiday season. I imagine that soon enough that will be the regular price (at least for 500gb models for X1 and PS4).

Was this poster sanctioned by the town it represented? Did they commission to get made? If it was someone representing the town/government had to approve the poster no?

The Xtreme series originated on western-centric consoles, the first DoAXVB was on Xbox, the second DoAX2 was X360. Xtreme Paradise showed up on PSP and is the only version of the game that sold more in Japan than in the west.

That’s just it, Direct Connection should not introduce any lag. It is literally the same method the Wii U uses; the PS4 has its own wifi antenna just like the Wii U does. What you’ve described is the natural lack of frames when viewing content at 30fps vs 60fps of the original, there is no lag in the controls though.

That’s just it, Direct Connection should not introduce any lag. It is literally the same method the Wii U uses; the

Honestly, the lag (real and percieved) is due to several factors. If you are using direct connect for Remote Play (same method as the Wii U), you shouldn’t have any lag. You might percieve lag if the game runs 60fps on the PS4 while the stream isn’t set to that. Sony did an update recently which lets you run a higher

Honestly, the lag (real and percieved) is due to several factors. If you are using direct connect for Remote Play

Actually you can make a backup of the installed games to a separate usb drive. It takes a long while (especially if your PS4s drive is filled already) and you have to do it twice, once to copy onto the usb drive, another to copy from that drive to the newly replaced drive in the PS4.

I wonder if Sony will wait until the Nintendo NX arrives before bundling the Vita with the PS4...

Is that Brock?

You know recent Battlefields have always hooked players in with these dynamic play videos. I guess with some masterful coordination a group of players can produce a similar sequence in a multiplayer session, but most actual sessions do end up more sedated.

You do see my viewpoint (pun not intended ;) ) though.

You just stated the stick is on the (back of the) characters head.

That is not wierd at all, I play the same way.