
To me, it has nothing to do with identifying myself with the character I'm creating. To be honest, if I'm playing an MMO and will spend countless hours looking at my character, I'd rather create a pretty girl than some hulking man-dude.

I'm with you. I mean, I'm all for most PC versions of most games, and I like playing Minecraft on PC, too. But I was surprised how much I like playing with a controller on the couch with a friend; I haven't actually played Minecraft since the last time I did that, and I'm looking forward to doing it again. I also

if i'm gonna play a game that allows me to use the female gender. Definitely will choose female every time because i'm not looking at man butt for the next ~30 hrs..... don't judge me. ._.

So... why are people playing Minecraft on a console again?

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Here's all the other adventures of Action Movie Kid in one easy video :)

Welcome to the Lands of Iuvem. Created by redditor crpeh, Iuvem is a world file for Minecraft that you can download and adventure on with your buddies. Or just stare at the scenery by yourself, since it all looks so holy-crap-incredible. The map can be downloaded here, and there's more shots below.


I remember back when we expected 30+ hours for a game (either due to difficulty or content). Now people find 12 hour games to be normal and are happy to claim how great it is to play a game for more that 30 hours.

I guess you could say they were...

I'm sure the developers of this game enjoy you sharing exploitable glitches with the entire world.

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Tecmo Bowl predicts Seahawks 44, Broncos 35.

"Speak for yourself."

He's still sport's biggest idiot. My favorite part of this column: " Always. Brady's biggest mistake was not padding his stats more in 2007 — he could have easily gotten to 55-57 touchdowns and put that record away for life. Still, if Brady did in 2007 what Manning did in Week 15 and Week 16, the media would have had

Dude are you saying i get to free some slaves? Cause if that's what you're saying i might have to go pick this up... Or maybe i'll wait for February

Lawsuit incoming!

I suspect hes going to regret this choice.

Meanwhile, at the Windows Phone corner, a tumblweed makes it's way to the other side as a single cricket chirps in pity.