
Thanks for the heads up. I'm exactly old enough to having bought (was old enough to have my own money) the first Issue complete with Mega Man 2 on the cover during its very first run at, of course, Kay-Bee Toys (which is also dating me). But yeah, EGM still wins and for those that don't know EGM (and Nintendo Power

Nice "practice run" for a movie Valve. Now just make one already and take our damn money!

Best part to me. One of the most epic fights ever on TV imo.

Big fan of LvLcap, awesome to see him on here getting some exposure.

The reason Minecraft was "so lonely" is that everyone already knew what it was and what to expect just now it's on another platform, not because people weren't interested. It's gonna outsell most of the other games shown on both XB1 and PS4 and be one of its most played games on those systems just like on PC and 360.

What a mind fuck for the Occulus guys the last 2 years, huh? First their Kickstarter goes through the roof, the buzz around their device becomes a legit "thing" online, then get $2 BILLION and the backing of FB, and now at E3 the Walt Disney of video games himself sits down and plays on their "baby". Those guys are

So it's a Subway Surf clone that's NOT based on the short lived but completely awesome "Spider-Man Unlimited" animated series from the 90's? While I am disapoint in these facts it still looks like a fun game that at least I know for a fact my sons will completely nerd out over.

FINALLY! Been waiting for this game for awhile now. Been watching ZackScott's playthrough's of it to get me by and "Yes" I'm a grown ass middle aged man looking forward to an Angry Birds game. Big whoop, wanna fight about it?

Regardless EA will still get my money...

This shit WINS so hardcore its silly


No worries! The NEXT Creed game (hopefully taking place in the future, maybe even in Watch_Dogs version of Chicago? I hope!) will probably have a female main character. They'll get to it anyways but especially now that they know people want it.

By God when Nintendo is on it's game they just plain ol rock, dont they? These are beautiful.

Automatically made me think back to my old Texas Instrument WITH the uber Voice Synthesizer add-on...SO epic for it's time.

Agreed on the GIF. I felt compelled to save that one myself.

FINALLY, ROCKSTAR! Now I can semi un-boycott you guys, just for this game, and officially once you announce RDR or it's eventual sequel for PC.

Actually I could TOTALLY see that Disney buying Capcom rumor happening at some point. Would make total sense.

"Woot! Another Uplay game!" said no one EVER...

Every single hair on my body stood up the entire time I was watching this....

You know "people" say South Korea is about 10 years advanced past the rest of world in some things? Their views and business towards consoles is another of these. Give it 10 years and consoles won't be a big deal over here anymore either. Just watch. I'm not the only person saying this either.