
I see he didn't learn the same lesson as the "victim" = there's a time and a place for everything and that was NOT the time or place.

This just in : "NO SHIT!"

Hey, that's cool you live in Seattle. I do too and lived on Denny Ave for years. Wouldn't surprised me if we passed in the street or on the bus.

I'll just leave this here....

Are JRPG's making a comeback?

How about it also not recognizing the 360 for Windows (or any other controller) issues? MAJOR fail there not making CONTROLLERS work for it without having to hack your own computer to play one game while the controller works fine for everything else. FAIL FAIL FAIL.

Why wouldn't it? L4D had offlline campaigns that also supported LAN. This should be the same right? Im hoping?

Who knew Denmark had so many cows and pigs just roaming around everywhere?

Nice, might end up the Free App of the Day on Amazon when it comes out. I'll keep an eye out for this. I wonder if you could play this on a Kindle Fire TV with the controller? That'd be pretty cool.

Now playing

There's a great play through on YouTube by EpicNameBro. He actually worked on the strategy guides for both Dark Souls 1 and 2. He fills in a lot of the Lore and drops some interesting behind the scenes info as he worked closely with the Devs while working on the strategy guide. Definitely worth a look for that and for

Showing this to my kids when I get home so they can look at me like I'm lazy for not doing stuff like this lol

Wow, brings back great late 90's-early 2000's memories of the flame wars between people who played these vs each other vs EverQuest players. GOOD TIMES! I'll support if it encourages other older games to be resurrected via Steam Greenlight or any other way as well.

I grew up watching this and many other classic cartoons but it's kind of a shame that as an adult the internet has soiled the term "Dancing Bear".

The couple of times I've caught this show it's cracked me up. Written by nerds for nerds.

Oh heck yeah, Road Rash. i think about that game randomly every now and then. Glad to see it get a spiritual successor.

By the guy that does Optimus Prime's voice or maybe by Stan Lee.

Im FINALLY, after years of saying I was gonna do it, am pulling together a small team to make a game. Let's hope in a year or 2's time this articles topic will be a "problem" for me. I got student loans and 2 kids, I'll gladly "feel guilty"....

From the Amazon App store

Very cool indeed

Honestly I never was impressed or even interested in set top boxes like this before but I have a TON of games I've picked up through the Amazon App Store for free and it would be awesome to play this on a TV. Even better = It's a $99 console for my kids. They love Android games anyways. Hmmmm, might have to snag one