
Also SONY is drowning financially with only the PlayStation and movie divisions propping the rest of the conglomerate up. They released it in foreign territories to sell the most machines in those much larger regions to make some money before they released to a loyal but "smaller" market next. Everything SONY has been

Cue Nintendo's Legal Department in 4...3...2....1.....

Holy crap a Newgrounds link. Newgrounds needs to go into the Smithsonian somehow/some way. Internet Hall of Fame or something.

I can barely get my 8 year old step daughter to walk a flight of stairs let alone help me design a game without playing herself out in 2.6 seconds.

That's all the LEGO movies are. He might have been on to something.

Now playing

I was right about to post this! Good call, I'll post this instead :

I posted this game as well. CLASSIC.

Woot, like taking this game and expanding on it. If you dont know about this game or haven't played it it's a classic :

Played EQ for years from 1999-2003. Loved it and have great memories of that game and still keep in touch with a ton of people I played with on there. Seeing them come back to EQ with such a fervor AND combining what looks like Minecraft elements to it as well.....just take my money, SOE.

Now playing

I prefer this future for Ron and Hermione :

Now playing

This is what came to my mind although I love yours too:


Lot of Hawaiin people and strong connection to Hawaii and back. Most people from here (Seattle) vacation and retire there by default.

I'm a 12 year transplant from the Midwest here in Seattle and while I love the city, the Seahawks (though I still bleed Bears Blue and Orange in my marrow), and am a fan #25's I felt the same way. Karma got ya.


Hmmm. Might finally have to pull the trigger on 2K14 now...

They already know their game is a glitchy mess just like everything else they release.

This is totally clever. If MS would make it a focus to release more things like this for Kinect then it would be become a must have (or at least more tolerated) piece of hardware.

" I can just imagine sad stack of boxes of PS3s in the back of Microsoft stores...aww."

Work well for Smash Brothers by HAL Labs on the N64. Can we PLEASE get a Bioware Fire Emblem? A Double Fine Earthbound? A Codemasters Mario Kart?