This is now next in my que after I cleaned up during the Steam Summer Sale.
This is now next in my que after I cleaned up during the Steam Summer Sale.
Hopefully this is something they can patch in and add later? If not I'll be content playing this on PC locally with my kids who also Adventure Time fans. Now, pump out as "Everyday Show" game and I'm all set "Yeeeaaaahyaaaaaaa!"
If I were rich I'd buy 8 cabinets to link em together, invite some friends over and then never leave my house/blimp/casino.
Heresy! =P
Bought this this morning and installed via Steam. Can't wait to get home from work and fire it up.
Um, where can we get this?
Yeah try firing this up on your SNES hooked to an HDTV or through an emulator and tell how awesome that version looks next to this. Yeah....
This game looks sick. Can gaming get back to these roots please? Please?
OF COURSE it's Russian. They can never have nice things! Cars are the worse for them.
Kinda looks like watching a regular def show on a HDTV. But still though, its the thought that counts.
Get that chick out of the way, I can't see the car.
Why does the 2 minutes of this look better than the weeks of Pikmin 3 coverage I've seen? Throw in a Viewtiful Joe cameo and this game wins, officially.
I'm already PC centric since the last gen kinda by default. Down the road it's looking the XB1 might be my choice cause I'm not sold on SONY's design and services. Since the PS2 they've always screamed "Hey! Us too! We have that too! Here! Listen!". Like a needy, clingy woman or child, that shit just plain ain't…
I wish you could type the infinity symbol cause that's what I'd type.
Tell that to the Admin that stole all of our Diamonds and poured Lava all over our sweet PvP proof fortress.
"Hardcore" Sim City player here (thousands of hours going back to the original SC on PC and SNES) and I'd like to say that "Yes" the launch was rough and I even avoided my shiny new game for about a week after launch til things got patched up (and they did for the most part) but as of months ago I got over it. It's…
Disney characters I'm thinking :
Now that's dedication right there. He's max level nerd right here I honestly mean that in the most flattering way ever.