
Soundwave was my very first Transformer back when they brand new over here. My Dad bought it for me at an Ace Hardware of all places while he was dragging me around with him one day. Oh man you just brought up one of my best memories ever.

Where's the SWEET stuff you're not showing? Like the Comic Con exclusive Tentacle Porn? Why you hogging the good stuff?!

<3! Im just gonna copy/paste my post from above here if you don't mind :

PC sales look very respectable and I thought PC was "dead". It was a very strong 3rd place for them. But we still had to sign a petition for them to consider making a PC version of "The Division". Hmmm....

I've worked at MS several times as a contractor and "yes" there's Mac used in testing and emulation. Why the surprise?

I would totally make sex with Sagat right here

Aaaaand things like this WILL continue onto the PS4 because of SONY ineptness when it comes to, well, things like this! I'm NOT even trying to hate either. I'd love for the PS4 to do well, eventually I'd like to get one, but until SONY does a complete 180 on exploits and all that piecemeal hackery Im not gonna bother.

Throw this on PC and/or Xbox 180 and I'll pick it up fosho. Looks like a great Gauntlet clone based on a sweet cartoon.

This actually looks very cool...

Release this on Xbox 180, 1. which I'm mostly buying for my kids to mess with and 2. as a cool tech toy for myself, so my 4 year old son can stop stalking my phone and PC to get his Angry Birds fix k thx!

Still looks cheap, probably feels eerily light like the DS3. Like I feel like it's going to snap any second it's in my hands. The "Touch" sensor feels like another SONY tacked on gimmick BUT at least they made it bigger which is GOOD. Adding touch to a vibrating controller could lead to some interesting Dating/Adult

<3 Police Quest booting off my 5.25" Floppy disc! Good times indeed.

I bet it smells fantastic in there

It's funny cause it true

It's another avenue in which to get people addicted and logging in everyday. Marketing 101. I was totally apathetic towards them til they started cluttering up my Steam Inventory. Now I'm annoyed.

* *Worth:* $3731.44

Will be buying...on Steam during Sale.

White people crazy

You cant help it. When you see a game that costs $60 months ago is now $10, cmon. I'll be honest it gets addictive as finding a good bargain is usually a rush. I'll post mine on here once the calculator is back up. It's scary I already know.

Calm down peeps. Items get recycled during the course of the sale so just because the game you want isn't cheap right this second doesn't mean that it won't be by the time it's all over. Holy crap what happened to patience and cunning?