Please hide the original SNES Starfox in there as well? Smooth out the jaggies, toss in the 3D blender, and I'd forever be happy not that I'm already VERY excited for this remake as well.
Please hide the original SNES Starfox in there as well? Smooth out the jaggies, toss in the 3D blender, and I'd forever be happy not that I'm already VERY excited for this remake as well.
@Adam Davidson: you sure? there's nothing like lining up a headshot in a game on a life sized head lemme tell ya =)
@mordennight: tell us how you REALLY feel...
@wrackune: heh, i see what you did there. the saddest part is that it's true.
@RyanBaer: it could be a steaming pile and will still set sales records. watch...
this is a must have. SF4 on the f'ing bus? Si.
this is a must have. SF4 on the f'ing bus? Si.
@Archaotic: well then thats fair enough. I cant really argue with somebody thats got a Psychonauts pic as their avatar. Well played (awesome game which I've owned 3 times, just like OoT, go figure).
@liquidmonk: Is she related to Christmas Jones from that one crappy James Bond movie?
@Archaotic: while all of that is true think about it: it's IN YOUR POCKET AND IN 3D =)
I thought from a technical standpoint that this was a pretty solid and good looking game even in Beta. It seemed like a good game for those still new to MMO's to start off with. I do agree with the maps not tracking and showing everything so at times you are literally lost and there's no sense of urgency as far as…
this guy is awesome. i had a friend that I went to art school with that showed me a concert of his on DVD. it was a sexy song about, well, sex and at the end where the song and Gackt climax white confetti came down on the crowd and they loved it. Hilarious!
Meh, needs 20% more flaming arrows.
Gears of War is a "classic" game?
Too much free time much?
@dh4645: actually I think Google and Netflix are supposed to be making an announcement sometime late this month/early next month in regards to that.
awesome now gimme Netflix app too pls
@RawSteelUT: true, theyre MUCH easier to port/program but thats about it. with SONY theyre a bitch to make but you have way more freedom after the fact. pick your poison.
@Givafuk: or Mac =)