
I would water cook it, then hit it with a torch to "crisp" the outside. It'd be hot and sizzling.

This would sell better if they had more shots of it next to other objects for reference. Until you see someone holding it in their hand, I thought it looked like a small .30-06.

The Ultimate Burger should not be cold.

It said "bad" cable, which leads me to believe the fibre was clouded or broken, and not "loose".

You read the byline on the post and you expected non-wild speculation and hyperbole?

Maybe it was Lupus if it was in Princeton.

My multi-vitamin has selenium in it. Should I be worried? Will I end up like the "trouts"?

I think it's a two hour buffer in the camera.

Unless they are wielding an 8mm camera and not interfering, then they are fine. In states that require two party consent for audio recording, using a camera that has a microphone means you are violating the law.

I think that is what it does. Two hours in the camera, and it uploads when it is near the base. They keep mentioning the "buffer".

No, it's illegal to record audio of the police without their consent. So unless you have an 8mm camera, you would be violating the law.

If people make it so, then yes, it is.

UBCD and then Offline NT Password editor. Done.

Some women who are raped are drugged. Does that mean abortions can't have anesthesia because women who were raped had been administered one before they were raped?

So does Virginia have a age limit on the term of the fetus that this device can help quantify better?

Many things aren't medically necessary, but are medically advantageous. I'm sure in many cases an x-ray can suffice, but an MRI is performed because it's more detailed. Why don't all xrays use mammography film when mammography film is more detailed?

Well, technically couldn't the metal be reused for another part after it is melted down to an ingot?

I don't think it's that high, otherwise catalytic converters would run about $1000 brand new.

The only thing I can think of is that this device is vastly superior in resolution compared to an external one, based on the comment below about high risk pregnancies. If the state has a law about how late in the term an abortion can take place, the high resolution can help determine the age of the fetus and also

How is a woman's consent not required? Does the law mandate roving bands of abortion doctors to grab women off the street without warning? I know most medical procedures required "informed consent".