
Oh, I know they were. But they are trying to cop to a lesser crime and explain the power failure wasn't their fault, but an "accident". As for the oil: []

Some people don't like their families.

Kyle, I think you misread the article. They didn't insulate the wires with oil. The insulators have oil in them, to help with arcs and arc flash, which the thieves drained, which then resulted in the explosion. The thieves have said as part of their argument that they weren't there to steal wire that they: "...had

Well, if he fried his beans, wouldn't that technically remove him from the gene pool?

Wallets are usually kept in the pants pockets. Some people sweat. Wallet gets moist with sweat. Sweat conducts electricity. Card is active.

The point of the cargo plane was to have it moving, and not stationary and/or moving slowly, like a sub.

He was also tased, for some strange raisin.

Met matt at the gallery shows and also kite surfing. Great human being, and certainly a shining example of the kind of DNA Gizmodo was whipped up from.

I was worried this was real, then noticed nothing coming into NJ. With Earle literally a few miles away and Port Leonardo literally a military rail line away, if these maps were real, then Earle would be on there. How many other 2+ mile long piers out to sea are there?

I hate when educated people use that tired old "We believed the Earth was flat" garbage. As long as humans have had eyes and could move, we knew that wasn't so.

Most people who blame autism on vaccines point to the mercury in the shots, yet mercury has been removed from most vaccines and autism rates continue to climb.

Was it the battery or the charger? The charger should have protected the wall, but the charger would be directly touching the plate, and could send a short into the outlet itself through the plug prongs to cause an arc, which does have explosive force.

No, Dr. MCCarthy, Mommy Science-tit, now thinks that the virii in the vaccines cause autism, and will only vaccinate children if they are removed.

I agree. The description there makes it seem like one of those old movie shots where someone gets a shot, and through a series of fades, regresses or progresses from something in the span of 30 seconds. One day he's "fine" and the three days later is in a corner banging his head on a wall like a feral child.

Why do chefs require a hep b vaccine? Are they making sweet love to our food and/or spiking it with dirty needles?

They are important reads because they show a classic "moving the goal posts" strategy. First it was mercury, then it was aluminum, then it was the frequency, then it was the viruses itself, etc... Everytime one is shown not to cause autism, the goal posts have to be moved and it's something else.

Those laws have been in place for a long while, as there is a special "vaccine court" that handles lawsuits, to give pharmaceutical companies a reason to produce vaccines and not worry about being bogged down with frivolous lawsuits.

It's actually because the spectrum of things which are considered autism has grown. If you refine the description of being "obese" from being 30lbs over their ideal weight to being 15lbs over, the rate of obesity will rise as well.

so what happens when an unvaccinated child gets autism? According to Jenny McCarthy, the measles virus itself may cause autism.

What was the shipping like on that safe?