Lighting a electronic cigarette is way different than pulling one out of whatever container it's in. If you don't normally light a cigarette, you probably don't have a lighter floating around.
Lighting a electronic cigarette is way different than pulling one out of whatever container it's in. If you don't normally light a cigarette, you probably don't have a lighter floating around.
I bet he paid more attention than you did when reading the article.
It's like an e-roman candle.
All of his teeth? Really? As someone who has experience with teeth being knocked out, I find it hard to believe that there is that much explosive potential inside one of these units. This makes it sound as if these are miniature pipe bombs, and if that is/were true, there's something new to fear on airplanes.
Easy: Editors have been shuffled around on Gawker, and someone who works for one site sometimes resorts to the previous site's policy on stories on their new job.
The average shotgun has 12-13 rounds? What gauge is the "average shotgun".
Everyone be cool, this is a robbery. If any of you fucking pigs move, I'll execute every mother fucking last one of ya.
I remember when guys like us had it made. Those where the days, when girls were girls and men were men...
My guess is as he ran out, he made disparaging remarks about everyone's mothers, or declared that their sporting team of choice was "bollocks", which prompted the chase.
These are almost as hot as the pepper spray he used on those protesters.
I like that soap that has no center to it. It eliminates this problem completely. []
Do they still make the STU? B/c mine still has some life it in. I got some great tips in the Fleshlight forums on making some performance improvements.
As I have shown countless times on Drunk StoryTime, the consumption of vodka does not make you talk more betterer. Even when I read verbal garbage like Kawaii Desu Vampire Sexy, the vodka does not make it easier to read/comprehend.
It's a burning hot magnesium flare. It worked in Hackers.
Yeah, I have seen those at the flea market. []
You can scan a ball, b/c the shell is plastic.
Yes, but some are filled with explosives.
That one guy in yellow reminds me how I "cram" myself into my king sized bed at night.
The pistol is ISSF certified. The cylinder is removable. It's a single shot bolt action. If you really can't count to 70-80, then you probably shouldn't be handling a gun, or commenting on how it's a bad design. Unless you thinking putting a hole in the side of a cylinder holding air at high pressure is a good…