I guess Barry likes the "old fashioned".
I guess Barry likes the "old fashioned".
Is that Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle?
Seems he has a sponsored ad that shows up even before Dan Savages page. I guess he outsmarted you.
Remember, all sand is is ground up rocks, glass, and shells. At least two of those are filled with enough nooks and crannies to make sure not a single bacteria doesn't have a home. Add in constant moisture, food from animal feces as well as nutrients from the sea, and exposure to sun and heat, and a beach is a petri…
Or a delicious bowl of Quaker Oats?
That's why they have 3.
And loot what exactly? A loaf of bread?
Does anyone know how or where all these Russians get these awesome dashcams from? They must be cheap if so many people there have them, and they look like they are pretty good quality.
Just tell the crew the order is for a cop.
Reminds me of this video.
Any chance it's a short/glitch in the one thermometer? Are the others showing spikes or variance? I know radiation has a tendency to make things go wonky after exposure, even if they have been tested.
I'm getting carjacked, so let me just hit and hold 9 on my phone to dial the police and they can tell that I am in danger by me pleading with the criminal, and they can track me through GPS.
Many moons ago, I read about a light, in possibly Discover or Scientific American, that utilized a flashing pattern that activated the part the brain that perceived threats to believe that something was coming at them, like a rock. They were talking about mounting it on buses and the such. Does anyone else remember…
I love people who believed that we believed the world was flat. Stand on the top of any big hill in Italy, and you can see the curve.
Reminds me of the diesel we had as a back up generator in the one building I worked at. The cool thing was that the exhaust used to point straight outside, until after a prolonged usage, it burned the paint off a fence and killed all the grass around it. We had to add a 45 degree upturn to stop that.
When were they supposed to find tie to do that during the ~2 weeks this was happening? I mean, they were REALLLLL busy.
YEah, especially when according to the date stamps, this went on for nearly two weeks. A reasonable person would have spoken up by the end of week one. A pervert never would have said anything. So this is somewhere in between.
You, my friend, are an idiot. From just the main photo, we can tell he more than likely lives in San Diego, CA, judging by the license plates and the map. We also know he works the late shift at an Apple Store, if he's getting off at 1am. We also know his nickname is "Wiz". Doesn't take much to track him down with…
You mean it uses sonar...like a submarine, Mr. Wayne.
Agreed. Didn't the AEGIS system in NJ on the Cornfield Cruiser help track stuff on the East coast during 9/11?