
You mean can it protect against missiles fired at ships like it showed it protecting ships from the missiles fired at them?

These guys didn't fall out of the plane and into a life boat?

Isn't that one of the guys who kept saying the same thing into Google speech recognition and then repeating back what it thought he said?

So was the propellar off the whole time the video was being filmed, or did it happen during the video? I didn't hear them declaring a mayday or anything, and the only real reaction is when they were on the ground. Even though this happened last year, it didn't make the NTSB reports, which I thought it might because

Really? Well, we know he works at an Apple store. We know he is male. We know he probably is in California, judging by the license plate in the picture. As others have pointed out, that map shown is from San Diego. So it's almost assured he works at the San Diego Apple store and works the night shift, if he's

"Imagine if this happened to you, and you were messaging sensitive information back and forth with a family member."

One would also assume that unless Wiz was an exhibitionist, he would have self-censored his messages and warned his friends if he knew that they were being received by an underage child. He also would have given his permission to use his image.

Apparently the tech team fancies themselves as Gawkers commenting Standards and Practices department now.

What effort did they make to stop it? Did they alert Wiz? And this wasn't info kept on a phone, it was info that was being received. If I begin receiving messages obviously not meant for me, I will alert the person that it is happening first thing. If this had been done, I doubt "Wiz" would have been so "naughty"

Dave, I have a O2 bottle handy for when you pass out from holding your breath.

But they HAD to cross the line to expose this. There's not a court in the world who won't believe the "He and his friends liked swapping tranny pics." line WASN'T of "public concern" and isn't slander/libel.

As I said to Joe, they could have limited it to the "tame" messages, and some random picts. But saying this person likes to swap tranny pics?!

Why couldn't they limit it to the texts about the stock doing well? Did they need the one about "kissing calfs" and the obviously personal ones? And saying "He and his friends liked swapping tranny pics." b/c someone sent a picture that has been on Reddit(which we know Gizmodo writers read) recently. To say that

Please correct me if I am wrong or misunderstanding, but...

I'll be sure to unfollow it then.

So is this an upgrade to the current AEGIS system, also made by Lockheed Martin, which actually had a test instillation off the NJ Turnpike: [] That helped track planes and monitor most of the east coast during 9/11?

Uh oh, the account just tweeted 33 minutes ago. You awoke a sleeping dragon, which will now use it's twitter account, which will mean there is less of a chance of Twitter shutting it down, down, down...

ABC, is that a industry term?