But Obama President now.
But Obama President now.
Why let's have their mothers hide under blankets and blend into the background to comfort the kid!
Again, they had a warrant, but the warrant expired and they installed the unit in an area outside that specified by the jurisdiction of the court.
This WAS the FBI.
I hate littlers.
They took the U lock off. The Kyrptonite chain is still on it on day 268.
So there is outrage about this from the site that called it's commenters "peasants" when the passwords were leaked?
Have they since changed the rules on EZ-Pass? When I signed up, they required a warrant to release records to third parties, as they are not really part of the government.
What is that, a navy for ants?
Someone saw Down Periscope
Yes, I've been commenting here for years as a hidden shill, just waiting to defend y MPAA overlords. But no, I haven't. I also am not a "souldead sales figure whore". If I was, I'd be ecstatic that you idiots didn't know about ACTA until well after it was passed.
"A physical search—something cops can't do unless a judge says so."
You know, I think it's a bit disingenuous when people try to make SOPA and PIPA all about the MPAA or RIAA. There is a reason companies like New Balance support IP laws. These lawas are also about TRADEMARKS. You can make your fun little argument about downloading a car, and laugh about how witty you are, but…
Any law will, can be, and is abused. DMCA was/is being abused as we speak. But again, if a judge signs a court order that is incorrect, it can get the case thrown out. That's why murderers get off/out when there is a mistake on a search warrant.
So New Balance should cut their prices by half? Should they also cut their employees salaries by half.
I know exactly what will happen, because it happened to me: [www.youtube.com]
What do you mean "without judicial oversight"? From what I have read, and the video above says within the first minute, a court order is required to remove them from DNS, search engines, etc...
So you answered your own question.
Well, did he cum or what?
Makes sense. It's tough to remember lines in a situation and to sound calm. Also, do you really want someone making an announcement vs trying to prepare everyone?