
Next to MSM, amiright! Both are run by reptoids.

His flying wang is dead though.

Now playing

Also, don't forget the Oceanos. The crew abandoned the ship very early, and claimed they were heading to shore to "direct the rescue effort". In the end, a magician(not Gob) had to help rescue them, especially when the ship listed so far that life rafts could not be launched anymore, and they had to pluck the

Isn't that IR?

And a guy holding a kite behind you...

It wasn't that hard, honestly. I also bought a Craftsman Ax head for $2 at the flea market, and another handle for $10, and it's an awesome ax. The handles come with all the needed hardware, but I go the extra step of injecting epoxy into them before tapping some cut nails into the handle, then put another layer of

Is your BK2 3mm thick?

I'm drunk, but didn't Giz do this years ago?

I might buy it...

You need the buckle with the handcuff key inside.

I heard Bruce Willis and Ben Stiller read that entire study, just in case.

That's a very simple stitch. I do it on my Singer all the time. And that webbing sews like butter because since it's woven, the needle passes right through it.

Nope, it's not. I don't just say it. I did it. []

Except the buckle is rated at 1/3 that strength.

Best Made rears it's ugly, but profitable head again. Where else can you get a ax for the low-low price of ~$250 that can be outperformed by an ax you can easily make yourself for under $30?

Where does all the scale come from?

Sigh, you had me till you parroted that idiotic line that was never even claimed.

Titanic Tie-Tackies?