
Confusing, it was. I'm just saying that I have to make more cards. IIRC, 100 cards only cost me $42+tax, so it wasn't that bad. I enjoy spreading the cheer.

It's all fun and games until a dead hooker shows up.

BTW, I hope you liked the card. Almost everyone on this years list will get one next year. But next year I fear the order will have to go over 100, because I only did 70 at first, and ran out, which required me to make 30 more.

I truly believe that Lucas had little to do with Episodes 4 & 5, and only after their success did he start to get a huge head and insist on things for Episode 6. It is my contention that the Ewoks were the forerunners for the Gungans, and only when the prequels came out did he go for total control and his actual

Only a dad named Ball would name his son Jock.

If you read the spray, it says "Cat Nip". It's all about the details.

I like mine better. I make a new one every year and send one to anyone online who requests it.

One would argue that since he's been CEO for a week, the support and help was from the previous CEO.

It's called poisoning the well.

It's the stuff on the ropa.

And a rifle capable of taking down a rogue bull elephant. Where can we find such a person?

So in essnce, he said:

But he DOESN'T hate Star Wars. That's the thing. Anyone who hates a movie can make a quick "rant" about it. But when you make a lengthy point by point critique of a film that is part of a series you actually like, that is hardly a rant.

I think the movie Jack and Jill is a complete evisceration of the film already. ;)

He doesn't just rip them apart thought. He also explains HOW they could be made better. It's easy to rip and not be correct about how a simple little tweak that he suggests could have been done and "saved" the situation.

GoDaddy squatting on a domain, or someone who registered a domain with them?

Damn, requires 4.3. My iPod Touch is out.

How do you know?