
I have no doubt about that. But I have looked at this picture, and don't see this image of Jobs, which is why I linked to pareidolia, which would explain why people THINK they see Job's outline.

I wonder if they could make the smoke that results from heating super glue fluoresce, and duplicate the same effect.

You're a nut.

So is this girl Sidney in Australia cute?

And Brown is the color of poo.

They then use hairspray or similar to spray down the area with the pepper dust to prevent it from falling off and becoming airborne easily and contaminating cars/vehicles used to transport them.

And how do you get them on their hands when they have their arms locked together? I'm pretty sure the pepper spray was used to facilitate them unlocking their bodies to allow the police to apply the cuffs.

Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't there another protest going on at this campus either that day or the day before that had no problem?

Any force applied is "less than lethal". Even using your hand to move a protester is considered less than lethal force, as it can have lethal consequence, intended or not.

Actually, that has and will kill.

Please correct me if I am wrong that in the 2nd video you posted, the protesters "public miked" that if the police let them go, they(the protesters) will let the police go.

As someone from NJ, this video needs more "Watch the tram car, please" warnings.

Is that you Paul Watson?

Faraday cage, good buddy.

Well, it's tough for the "great pacific garbage patch" to affect this, because it can't be seen.

Why are there two "D"'s?

X2. I have three bottles in my house right now and a tube of Tri-Flow grease.