
I am confused and frightened by all pop culture now.

These corgs may be cute, but are they as cute as my corgi wearing a flower crown? I don't think so. Corgi's 4 lyfe. (they are cute though)

Why does it seem like every day we have to explain to people what Dirt Bag is? It's such an easy target for people to feel superior to.

You know, if Nicole Kidman acted stiff and dull in this movie, it tells me she had Grace's persona down to a tee.

This whole thing is like the Privilege Parade. And I don't usually bust out the p-word.

You won the interwebs. Someone please give TheRealBrightEyes all of the dollars...

I think your point was more "I'm a self-important dickhead with no valid point to make, so I'm just going to connect the dots on buzzwords and hope no one notices the fact that my entire comment, as well as the subsequent explanation, was completely intellectually bankrupt."

Take a seat Rihanna. She wore it better than you but you don't see her saying anything about it.

Never been to Bakersfield I take it. It's the asshole of California.

Because they live in Bakersfield?

Because they live in Bakersfield. Seriously, that's reason enough. Bakersfield is quite the hotspot of gang activity.

Uh, they live in Bakersfield.

Blame it on the owner. Asshole owners = asshole pets. The owner likely made his dog that way.

What a good cat, holy crap. I hope the mayor gives it the key to the city.

Because they live in Bakersfield. You would understand if you've ever been there.

I guarantee you that that dog owner is fucking asshole who intentionally trained his dog to be aggressive/neglects it.

Stars! Can't they all just get along?

I can't believe that Kylie got her lips plumped at her age. She looks really cute though I hope thats all she gets done